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29/12/2013 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Drug War - Argentina: Uruguay's neighbors now considering legalization of pot
The taboo is broken: Argentina's new anti-drug czar says the country ‘deserves’ the debate, while Chile's new president could ease marijuana laws.
23/05/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
El Salvador - Can El Salvador’s gang truce hold?
Carlos shows no emotion as he talks about the victims he shot and stabbed as he worked his way up the ladder of one of the world’s most vicious street gangs.
25/09/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Latin America - Cocaine's becoming king in Peru
Peru's new government changes its drug-fighting tactics (Lima, Peru).
01/09/2011 | Sociedad
Peru may be turning a corner on its treatment of indigenous people
Peru's divisions only deepened under the previous administration. A new law gives grounds for cautious optimism.
01/09/2011 | Sociedad
Peru may be turning a corner on its treatment of indigenous people
Peru's divisions only deepened under the previous administration. A new law gives grounds for cautious optimism.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House