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17/01/2010 | Sociedad
A New Era Of Internet Control
Google's threat to pull out of China reflects the clash between national interests and the forces of globalization.
18/01/2006 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Afghanistan: Are Militants Copying Iraqi Insurgents' Suicide Tactics?
Afghanistan's southern border town of Spin Boldak was in shock today after the bloodiest suicide bombing in the country’s history. The blast on 16 January killed 22 people as they left a wrestling match. It was one of three suicide bombings within 48 hours in Kandahar Province. A recent increase in suicide attacks has raised concerns about whether Taliban militants are adopting the tactics of Iraqi insurgents. But Afghan government officials and U.S. military officers say they don't think the attacker at Spin Boldak was an Afghan.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House