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29/11/2012 | Frente Externo
Mexico's Pena Nieto backs Obama immigration reform push
Mexican President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto on Tuesday backed President Barack Obama's planned push for U.S. immigration reform, pledged cooperation on border security and promised efforts to reduce violence in his own country.
28/08/2012 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Syria: Syria's rebels: More than they can chew
A MONTH after rebel forces launched a blazing attempt to capture Aleppo, Syria's second city, they are starting to wilt. The regime claims to have routed them from their main stronghold in the Salaheddin district. Clashes continue in the southwest of the city and around the airport, but the best that rebel commanders can now hope to achieve is to draw the regime into a quagmire.
14/05/2006 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
The NSA Has Your Number
This sounds like a vast and unchecked intrusion on privacy.
30/01/2006 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Mara Salvatrucha 13 -Criminal past haunts scenic L.A. park
Visitors slowly return to MacArthur Park, once overrun by gangs, drugs.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House