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19/07/2010 | Frente Externo
US - Barack Obama finally makes his peace with Bill Clinton
With his approval ratings plummeting and his party facing a pummeling in crucial elections, President Barack Obama has turned for salvation to the man who was until recently his harshest Democratic critic - Bill Clinton.
03/12/2008 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Vicious drug turf war turns Mexican border town of Tijuana into a killing zone
The four men in bulletproof vests, Kalashnikovs held casually at their sides, crossed the street to Tijuana's Crazy Banana pool hall so calmly that onlookers presumed they were undercover police officers – until they heard the gunfire and screams.
03/12/2008 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Vicious drug turf war turns Mexican border town of Tijuana into a killing zone
The four men in bulletproof vests, Kalashnikovs held casually at their sides, crossed the street to Tijuana's Crazy Banana pool hall so calmly that onlookers presumed they were undercover police officers – until they heard the gunfire and screams.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House