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23/01/2006 | Bin Laden Tape and World Analysis


Many are alarmed to the fact of the American media's coverage of this last Bin Laden tape. The media seems to be slanting the message of the tape. They are broadcasting so called "experts" saying that Al Qaeda is weak and this is the beginning of the end. This is a tragic misinterpretation of the message from Bin Laden.


Since the times of the Crusades, Muslims have always warned their enemies before attacks.  You as an individual have to realize the Radical Islamic mindset.  In their mind they have never had a mission fail and haven't lost a battle.  They believe that everything that happens is Allah's will.  If a mission fails it was because Allah wanted it to fail for a reason.  The simple thought that Al Qaeda would call for a truce is absurd.  History shows us that every time Bin Laden has sent out a video or audio tape there was an attack to follow soon.  In the spring of 2005 Bin Laden called for Europe to agree to a truce and remove coalition troops from Iraq.  Soon after were the attacks on the British trains and bus.  Another example of Al Qaeda telegraphing their next move was in the fall of 2003.  In a video tape from Bin Laden, he mentioned that they would attack those who hide behind the cross.  Most analysts took this as referring to Christians.  Six days later Al Qaeda blew up the International Red Cross building in Iraq killing more than twenty.  The analysts were wrong.

The situation in the Middle East is getting very unstable.  Iraq is now the least of the world's problems.  With Iran now starting its nuclear program back up, this is raising red flags for everyone from the United States to France.  Condoleeza Rice said last week that the United States would let the United Nations deal with Iran.  This is the first strike against this being resolved politically.  After Israel's attack on an Iraqi nuclear facility in 1981, Iran learned and has now built all the facilities under ground safe from air strikes.  They also dispersed the locations of these facilities numbering eight by the last intelligence count.  This means in order to stop Iran there would have to be a ground invasion.  It would be in many of the Arab country's best interests to stop Iran.  For example Jordan and Saudi Arabia would be expected to participate.  Also with Sharon's medical problems most have ruled Israel out, but many think this is a mistake.  If there is an attack on Iran it's probable that Syria will fight side by side with Iran.  France announced on January 20th that any aggression towards them from Iran would result in a nuclear retaliation.

The simple fact is Americans and all in the war on terror have to be steadfast.  Our media needs to be smart about what is broadcast.  In this latest message from Bin Laden he references the latest American opinion polls on the Iraq situation.  We suspect he is referring to the polls from December 18th 2005.  This would make his message less than 45 days old.  It also tells us he is very informed to what is going on in the United States.  This also would tell us he is informed on the CIA secret prisons and also the latest NSA surveillance issues.  So thanks to the Washington Post, New York Times, ABC News and others, the terrorists are learning more about how and where we are gathering intelligence.  This is troubling and needs to be addressed by the American people.  If the President and the United States government are not allowed to do everything they can against the enemy we will surely lose this war.  Whether anyone is republican, democrat or any other political party, we are all on the same team.  Please remain alert and diligent to what you or your organization is broadcasting.  Ask yourself a few questions after reading this;

·        Is my source of media helping the United States in the war on terror or undermining it? 
·        What should we do if Iran is already nuclear and could give a dirty bomb to Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas?
·        Does my family know what to do if there is a terrorist attack in our city (action plan, communication plan, etc.)?

SECCOMM (Estados Unidos)


Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House