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  Archivos 1 a 10 de 9109

18/04/2024 | Opinion - The future of Europe’s Southeast Asia engagement
Prashanth Parameswaran | Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Relations between Southeast Asia and Europe have evolved on many fronts, and will likely keep developing despite geopolitical tensions.Shared challenges mean Europe’s and Southeast Asia’s strategic interests are aligning. The European Union is trying to grow its security footprint in the region. This rapprochement remains vulnerable to major geopolitical events. ...
17/04/2024 | Opinion - Can Blockchain Revolutionize Commodities Trading?
Richard Garner |
If the graphite in your smartphone could talk, what story would it tell? From the miners who extract it under unsafe working conditions to the traders who make or lose fortunes bringing it to market, graphite and other commodities steer the course of human lives up and down the supply chain. ...
15/04/2024 | Opinion - Sweden’s pivotal role in critical materials for Europe
Ewa Björling | Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Amid Europe’s drive for sustainability and autonomy, Sweden emerges as a rare metals pioneer aiming to challenge China’s dominance..Europe needs stable rare-metal supplies for climate goals, geopolitical risk reduction. China’s dominance prompts Europe to reassess mining, processing needs.Sweden aims to play a strategic role in Europe’s rare metal diversification. ...
26/03/2024 | Opinión - Un precio universal para los gases de efecto invernadero del transporte marítimo
Angie Farrag-Thibault y Panos Spiliotis | Excelsior
Los delegados a la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) deben aprovechar la oportunidad de institucionalizar la descarbonización de la industria marítima y preparar el comercio mundial para un futuro limpio y próspero. Como la agencia reguladora del transporte marítimo, la OMI es responsable por el impacto ambiental y social que causa el transporte marítimo mundial. La semana pasada, en la 81ª reunión del Comité de Protección del Medio Marino (MEPC), sus países miembros negociaron en Londres un futuro sostenible para el sector. ...
29/01/2024 | Opinión - ¿Cómo afectaría a China la liquidación de Evergrande?
Martin Nik | Deutsche Welle
La liquidación del conglomerado Evergrande podría tener consecuencias de gran alcance para la segunda economía más grande del mundo. ...
28/01/2024 | Opinion - 2023: A Year of Mexican Oil to Cuba
Ryan C. Berg and Nate Laske | Centre for Strategic and International Studies
Cuba is in a deep energy crisis. A steep decline in tourism revenue following the Covid-19 pandemic, exacerbated by high global fuel prices caused by the war in Ukraine, have contributed to years of chronic fuel shortages, resulting in frequent blackouts and long queues at gasoline pumps in what analysts have described as “the worst financial position it has been in since the collapse of the Soviet Union.” Starting in February, the regime announced that gasoline prices will increase by over 500 percent due to the government’s inability to continue sales at current subsidized prices. ...
08/01/2024 | Opinión - La ultraderecha europea quiere ser Corea del Sur, pero todavía no lo sabe. Liberal, pero proteccionista
Alicia Alamillos | El Confidencial
El caso de Twitch es solo el último de una larga lista de empresas extranjeras que o bien tiran la toalla con el mercado surcoreano o quedan relegadas a un segundo plano ante la estupefacción que les da el ser líderes en el resto del mundo.Corea es una economía muy abierta, dirigida al libre mercado, pero el Gobierno usa políticas industriales para favorecer la industria local. ...
04/01/2024 | Opinión - La mala gestión de la globalización
Antonio Peniche Garcia | Excelsior
De acuerdo con el Informe sobre la Desigualdad Global 2022 (coordinado por Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez y Gabriel Zucman;, el 10% más rico de la población mundial recibe actualmente 52% del ingreso mundial, mientras que la mitad más pobre de la población gana 8.5%. ...
29/12/2023 | Energy - Geopolitics of Nepal’s Hydropower: Has India Outmaneuvered China?
Sirish Paudel | Modern Diplomacy
Nepal, a landlocked country between two Asian giants China and India, is one of the richest countries in terms of hydropower potential. ...
27/12/2023 | China - Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China’s Financial Crisis
Kane Zhang and Angela Bright | The Epoch Times
In 2023, at least 96 Chinese financial executive have fallen from grace, and 38 people have been investigated in the five major state-owned banks. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House