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  Archivos 16581 a 16590 de 16600

27/04/2008 | Entrevista: Riad Malki Ministro de Exteriores de la Autoridad Palestina- ''Negociamos la paz con un ojo en 2009''
M. A. Bastenier | El Pais (Es)
"Hace 60 años de la Nakba -el desastre-, la fundación de Israel; 41 años de la ocupación de Cisjordania y Jerusalén-Este; 15 años de los acuerdos de Oslo; seis años de la oferta de paz de la Liga Árabe a Israel; cinco meses de la iniciativa de Anápolis con el compromiso de acordar la creación de un Estado palestino durante el mandato del presidente Bush (que concluye en enero) e Israel ha establecido desde entonces docenas de nuevos asentamientos en los territorios ocupados". ...
25/04/2008 | It's Time for Dems to Recruit Al Gore
Steven Stark | Boston Phoenix
In the wake of Barack Obama's defeat in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the Democrats have a huge problem. On the one hand, they have a front-runner who hasn't won a single one of the major primary states other than his own, who's a neophyte on the national scene, and who has enormous difficulties attracting the white, non-college educated voters he needs to win. ...
25/04/2008 | Will the Democrats Commit Political Suicide?
Gabor Steingart | Spiegel
Democratic voters just can't make up their minds between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In Pennsylvania, they denied him victory but spared her defeat. It will be the job of the superdelegates to commit political murder -- but will it mean suicide for the party? ...
24/04/2008 | El cambio en Paraguay
Andrés Oppenheimer | Miami Herald
El humorista político P.J. O'Rourke afirmaba en un libro hace algunos años que Paraguay es un país ''en el medio de ninguna parte, que es famoso por nada.'' Entonces, ¿por qué deberia importarnos Paraguay?, le pregunté a uno de los principales expertos norteamericanos en Paraguay esta semana, tras la histórica victoria de la oposición en ese país, que terminó con seis décadas de gobierno del Partido Colorado. ...
24/04/2008 | Clinton credit crunch?
Oxford Analytica Staff | Oxford Analytica
Senator Hillary Clinton this week embarks upon a furious fundraising effort in order to shore up the shaky finances of her presidential campaign. ...
24/04/2008 | Election 2008: CPN-UML Pulls Out of Nepal's Government as Maoists Emerge as Dominant Party
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
The unexpected gains made by the Maoists in Nepal’s landmark election have come as a shock to established parties, prompting a reconfiguration of the political landscape. ...
24/04/2008 | Election 2008: Opposition Ends Six Decades of One-Party Rule in Paraguay
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
Paraguayan voters opted for change yesterday, electing “bishop of the poor” Fernando Lugo as president and ending the 61-year reign of the conservative Colorado Party (PC). ...
24/04/2008 | Election 2008: U.S. Democratic Hopeful Clinton Keeps Hopes Alive with Win in Pennsylvania
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
As anticipated, New York Senator Hillary Clinton has won in the key populous state of Pennsylvania, but with an insufficient margin to prove that she has turned the tables on the favourite, Illinois Senator Barack Obama. ...
23/04/2008 | Obama 'vs.' Clinton o el día de la marmota
El Mundo (E.S.) Staff | El Mundo
"Por favor, que alguien pare esto". La frase del columnista Dana Milbank en 'The Washington Post' sintetiza el pensamiento de cientos de miles de demócratas estadounidenses, cansados de la guerra interna entre Barack Obama y Hillary Clinton y temerosos de que la prolongación de las primarias acabe poniendo el triunfo en bandeja al candidato republicano, John McCain. ...
23/04/2008 | Obama the Savior
Caroline Glick | Jerusalem Post
Speaking in February of the man she knows better than anyone else does, Michelle Obama said that her husband, Illinois Senator and candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination Barack Obama, is the only candidate for president who understands that before America can solve its problems, Americans have to fix their "broken souls." ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House