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  Archivos 17901 a 17910 de 17910

12/12/2006 | White House statement on Pinochet's death
White House Staff | White House
White House statement on Pinochet's death On Sunday, the White House issued the following statement upon receiving news of the death of Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte in Chile: ...
12/12/2006 | Calderon's Presidential Challenges
Stratfor Staff | Stratfor
Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who took office Dec. 1, began his term on unsteady ground. He faces an unresolved conflict in the southern state of Oaxaca, was inaugurated amid a physical brawl in the legislature, is troubled by widespread questioning of his legitimacy after his July 2 election win by a razor-thin margin, and continues to be publicly challenged by his defeated opponent, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who established a "shadow" government. ...
12/12/2006 | Turquía, castigada
El País Staff | El Pais (Es)
La decisión de los Veinticinco de suspender la negociación de ocho de los 35 capítulos de la adhesión de Turquía, afectados por el cierre de puertos y aeropuertos turcos al comercio con Chipre, traerá consecuencias negativas para Ankara y para Europa. ...
12/12/2006 | Bolivia, el eslabón más débil
Alberto Garrido | El Universal (Ve)
En un artículo publicado hace un par de meses (07-10-06) en Internet, Heinz Dieterich anunció un golpe de estado contra Evo Morales para el pasado 11 de octubre. ...
12/12/2006 | Iraq Study Group Challenges U.S. Policies in Middle East, All Eyes on President
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
The Iraq Study Group (ISG) yesterday published its long-awaited report, questioning the thrust of the administration's policies, and increasing the pressure on President George W. Bush to launch full regional dialogue and reduce U.S. combat troop presence. ...
12/12/2006 | Bolivia - Más de lo mismo
René Cardozo S.J. | La Razón (Bo)
Dentro del proceso político y social de cambio que vive Bolivia en los últimos años, se ha producido una renovación en los actores políticos y sociales, dando como resultado el recambio de viejas figuras, y la emergencia de nuevos actores en las principales instituciones del Estado. ...
12/12/2006 | Bolivia - Crisis de Estado
Ricardo Paz Ballivián | La Razón (Bo)
Bolivia está viviendo una crisis de Estado. Se diferencia de otras crisis sociales por su complejidad y su carácter estructural. ...
12/12/2006 | Venezuela in the International Press (8 Dec 2006)- PDF
De Nuestra Redacción |
12/12/2006 | White House statement on Pinochet's death
White House Staff | White House
White House statement on Pinochet's death On Sunday, the White House issued the following statement upon receiving news of the death of Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte in Chile: ...
12/12/2006 | Calderon's Presidential Challenges
Stratfor Staff | Stratfor
Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who took office Dec. 1, began his term on unsteady ground. He faces an unresolved conflict in the southern state of Oaxaca, was inaugurated amid a physical brawl in the legislature, is troubled by widespread questioning of his legitimacy after his July 2 election win by a razor-thin margin, and continues to be publicly challenged by his defeated opponent, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who established a "shadow" government. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House