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  Archivos 18251 a 18260 de 18288

06/11/2007 | Fundamentalismo Islámico en América Latina - Ultima Parte
Carlos Machado | PeriodicoTribuna de Periodistas
Otro de los contactos surgidos de aquellos correos electrónicos enviados en septiembre de 2005 era Carlos Lanz Rodríguez, a quien citamos como el ex terrorista y actual director de la empresa estatal venezolana ALCASA y quien cobijara al “árabe pelirrojo”, Mustafá Setmarian Naser, en el estado de Bolívar, precisamente en ese mismo año. ...
06/11/2007 | A New President, a New Paradigm
Roger F. Noriega | AEI on Line
U.S. policy in Latin America and the Caribbean always seems to inspire criticism: Too much, too little, too late. Back off. Get in the game. Don't just stand there, do something. Don't do something, just stand there. ...
06/11/2007 | Democracy at Arms - ''The Soldier and the State'' is 50 years old, and still relevant.
Mackubin Thomas Owens | Weekly Standard
While the average political scientist is lucky to make a name for himself in one area of the field, Samuel Huntington has made major contributions to three: civil-military relations, democratic theory, and international relations. ...
06/11/2007 | The Battle to Clean Up Mexico
Jorge G. Castañeda | Newsweek Internacional
The people trained to use the technology could use it for nefarious purposes. It has happened before. ...
06/11/2007 | Al-Qaedastan - Grim possibilities for Pakistan.
Stanley Kurtz | National Review
What is to become of Pakistan? In the wake of President Musharraf’s declaration of a state of emergency, any number of grim scenarios are imaginable. Before spinning some of them out, consider this true and timely confession from Stephen P. Cohen, one of America’s top Pakistan experts: “I don’t know what’s going to happen....I don’t think any Pakistan expert knows what will happen even tomorrow.” ...
06/11/2007 | A lesson on Muslim view
Jonathan Last | The Philadelphia Inquirer
Bernard Lewis was in Washington recently, courtesy of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He put on quite a show. Lewis, 91, spoke for nearly 40 minutes, without notes, before taking questions. Google a few TV chat-show transcripts, and you'll see that, even among people who talk for a living, it is rare to find someone who speaks in complete sentences. It has famously been observed that Lewis - did I mention he's 91? - speaks in complete paragraphs. ...
04/11/2007 | Fundamentalismo Islámico en América Latina - Parte II - La red venezolana
Carlos Machado | PeriodicoTribuna de Periodistas
Volviendo a la infiltración del terrorismo islámico y los enviados iraníes en Venezuela, sumados a los elementos radicalizados de otro signo, y a la buena acogida y respaldo que les brinda el gobierno de Hugo Chávez, retomaremos otra parte del trabajo de Kenneth Rijock sobre la cuestión. ...
03/11/2007 | War Plans: United States and Iran
George Friedman | Stratfor
A possible U.S. attack against Iran has been a hot topic in the news for many months now. In some quarters it has become an article of faith that the Bush administration intends to order such an attack before it leaves office. ...
03/11/2007 | The Russia Problem
Peter Zeihan | Stratfor
For the past several days, high-level Russian and American policymakers, including U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Russian President Vladimir Putin's right-hand man, Sergei Ivanov, have been meeting in Moscow to discuss the grand scope of U.S.-Russian relations. ...
03/11/2007 | Terrorismo y energía: ataques cercanos y a la distancia
Donald Hamilton | Foreign Affairs
En febrero pasado Sawat al-Jihad (La Voz de la Guerra Santa), la revista por internet de Al Qaeda en la Península Árabe, anunció: "Es necesario atacar intereses petroleros en todas las regiones que sirven a Estados Unidos, no sólo en Medio Oriente. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House