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  Archivos 18951 a 18960 de 18988

02/02/2006 | ¿Bolivia socialdemócrata?
José Brechner | Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos
The Economist dijo que hay que darle el beneficio de la duda al nuevo gobierno boliviano, para determinar si el camino que seguirá será el de la social democracia semejante a Chile, o si la tendencia es hacia un socialismo retrógrado de corte venezolano. ...
01/02/2006 | Relaciones político-económicas entre Rusia e Irán
Antonio Sánchez Andrés | Real Instituto Elcano
Tema: Vinculaciones de Rusia con Irán y su impacto sobre el programa nuclear iraní. ...
01/02/2006 | La irrelevancia de Al Fatah
Barry Rubin | La Vanguardia
La arrolladora victoria del grupo islamista Hamas en las elecciones palestinas del 25 de enero marca el desmoronamiento del movimiento nacional palestino. Antes de hablar sobre qué hará ahora Hamas es importante evaluar qué es lo que ha ido mal en Al Fatah después de casi 40 años de hegemonía. ...
01/02/2006 | Hamás y el pragmatismo
Sultana Wahnon | ABC
Que el sucesor del jeque Yassín y actual líder de Hamás, el doctor Mahmud Al-Zahar, no carece del todo de pragmatismo es algo que se infiere de su misma decisión de concurrir a las elecciones palestinas para ganarlas, aun cuando esto implicaba una tácita asunción de los Acuerdos de Oslo y, por tanto, una cierta renuncia a la pureza ideológica. ...
01/02/2006 | 2006 State of the Union Address
George W. Bush | White House
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and diplomatic corps, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: Today our nation lost a beloved, graceful, courageous woman who called America to its founding ideals and carried on a noble dream. Tonight we are comforted by the hope of a glad reunion with the husband who was taken so long ago, and we are grateful for the good life of Coretta Scott King. ...
01/02/2006 | In Iraq, Missing Millions And 2 Dead Contractors
A.P. | Baltimore Sun
There are fortunes to be made in Iraq, where seemingly everything is broken or looted or blown up. The fortunes come from fixing those things; there is no shortage of cash to hire the fixers. ...
31/01/2006 | El sendero de Hamas
Walid Phares | El Reloj
Tan pronto como la comisión electoral palestina declaraba a Hamas ganador de las elecciones legislativas en Gaza, Judea y Samaria, un huracán de interrogantes vapuleaba a medios, gobiernos, políticos, y analistas internacionales. ...
31/01/2006 | Hamas and Israel – Predictions
Daniel Pipes | Front Page Magazine
Reactions to the lopsided Hamas victory over Fatah last week in the Palestinian Authority elections divided into three. Some, like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee expressed dismay, worried about Hamas openly boasting of its goal to destroy the Jewish state, seeing this as the end of the peace process. ...
31/01/2006 | Bolivia: Evo Morales Plans To Tax the Poor
Rigoberto Stewart | Hacer - Washington DC
One week after he was elected president of Bolivia, Evo Morales announced that one of his first actions in power is to establish a tax against the rich. ...
31/01/2006 | Bolivia: Evo Ready or Not?
The Economist Staff | The Economist
Evo Morales, who took office on January 22nd as Bolivia's first elected president of indigenous descent, is still trying to be all things to all men. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House