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  Archivos 19031 a 19039 de 19039

18/01/2007 | Investigación: Irán compró excedentes de armamento a los EE.UU.
Emol Staff | El Mercurio
Contrabando habría burlado al Pentágono. ...
18/01/2007 | For your country
CSP | Center for Security Policy
Last week, President Bush addressed the Nation to describe a "way forward" in the War for the Free World and its Battle of Iraq. Next week, he will give another address, one that may ultimately prove even more decisive in determining our success in the global conflict of which the Iraq theater is but one part. ...
18/01/2007 | Myths About the US Military
Victor Davis Hanson | National Review
There is often voiced pessimism about our current military, to such a degree that it is termed broken or exhausted. But how true is that? ...
17/01/2007 | Cartel kingpin nabbed after gunbattle
A.P. | CNN
A reputed drug kingpin was captured Monday following a shootout, police said, ending a years-long hunt for a man wanted by American officials for allegedly smuggling tons of cocaine into the United States. ...
17/01/2007 | Jefe para (AUC) admite pagos a la policía colombiana
Salvatore Mancuso, el principal líder de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) desmovilizado dentro del proceso de paz, afirmó ayer que ese grupo paramilitar le pagaba a la Policía $400,000 al mes en la región que él controlaba. ...
17/01/2007 | Coast Guard Seeks Industry Plans for Tracking Ships That Pose Security Risks
Eleanor Stables | CQ
The U.S. Coast Guard is seeking proposals for a national ship-tracking system that would help identify unusual ship movements that pose security risks. ...
17/01/2007 | National Security in the Age of Terrorism
Amb. Chas W Freeman |
Remarks to the Congressional Research Service Seminar for New Members Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (USFS, Ret.) Chas W. Freeman Jr., a former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, spoke to new members of Congress last week in Williamsburg. Freeman, who was ambassador during President George H.W. Bush's administration, is now president of the Middle East Policy Council. ...
17/01/2007 | Black Ice - Bioterrorism International Coordination Excercise - PDF
US Department of State Staff | US Department of State
17/01/2007 | Cartel kingpin nabbed after gunbattle
A.P. | CNN
A reputed drug kingpin was captured Monday following a shootout, police said, ending a years-long hunt for a man wanted by American officials for allegedly smuggling tons of cocaine into the United States. ...
17/01/2007 | Jefe para (AUC) admite pagos a la policía colombiana
Salvatore Mancuso, el principal líder de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) desmovilizado dentro del proceso de paz, afirmó ayer que ese grupo paramilitar le pagaba a la Policía $400,000 al mes en la región que él controlaba. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House