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  Archivos 19381 a 19383 de 19383

23/10/2006 | Espacio unilateral
El País Staff | El Pais (Es)
La influencia neoconservadora no está en retirada en la Administración de Bush, a juzgar por la firma por el presidente de la Política Nacional Espacial de EE UU, la primera oficial en la última década. ...
21/10/2006 | FRANCIA-Menores delincuentes.Sarkozy endurece el castigo para frenar la impunidad
Javier Gómez | La Razón
A una semana del aniversario de la revuelta de las barriadas, Sarkozy propone establecer penas fijas para los reincidentes. ...
21/10/2006 | Japan's Nuclear Message for China
Stratfor Staff | Stratfor
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso said Wednesday that Japan should seriously discuss the possibility of developing nuclear weapons. ...
20/10/2006 | Sri Lankan-LTTE Suicide Bombs Key Sri Lankan Port and Naval Base
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
Suspected members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) guerrilla group have today (18-oct-06) targeted the key port of Galle in the south of Sri Lanka. ...
20/10/2006 | NORTH KOREA-International Community Agrees to Impose Sanctions on North Korea
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
The UN Security Council (UNSC) agreed on Saturday (14 October) to impose sanctions on North Korea, after the Stalinist leadership significantly raised tension in north-east Asia by allegedly detonating a nuclear bomb last week. ...
20/10/2006 | Tougher Challenges Ahead for Colombia’s Uribe
International Crisis Group Staff | International Crisis Group
President Uribe’s second term promises to be more difficult than his first, and unless he broadens his emphasis on a military solution to the conflict and confronts corruption, poverty and human rights violations more effectively, blame for the country’s ills will lie squarely with him. ...
20/10/2006 | Space: America's new war zone
Andrew Buncombe | The Independent
The Bush administration has staked an aggressive new claim to dominate space - rejecting any new treaties that seek to limit the United States' extraterrestrial activities and warning that it will oppose any nations that try to get in its way. ...
19/10/2006 | Rummy's Other Role - The Perfect Scapegoat
Sally Quinn | Washington Post
Don Rumsfeld is the shrewdest person in Washington. He understands better than anyone that somebody has to be in line to take the blame when things go wrong. So far he has been willing to do so. But not much longer. ...
19/10/2006 | Inteligencia Prospectiva de Seguridad
Andrés Montero Gómez | Real Instituto Elcano
El terrorismo yihadista y la delincuencia organizada global no sólo han retado las tradicionales concepciones de seguridad interior y exterior, sino que están poniendo de manifiesto que la seguridad reactiva o que la seguridad desgajada de la inteligencia son respuestas obsoletas de los Estados ante las amenazas ...
19/10/2006 | Asia y el desafío de la seguridad energética
Paul Isbell | Real Instituto Elcano
Los problemas energéticos han adquirido recientemente un papel preponderante en el escenario mundial. Los precios del petróleo y el gas aumentaron considerablemente en 2003 y 2004, y siguieron haciéndolo durante todo 2005 y 2006. La emergencia de Asia en la economía y el escenario energético mundiales está relacionada con esta tendencia. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House