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  Archivos 19771 a 19780 de 19781

15/06/2006 | How the world can combat nuclear terrorism
Mohamed Elbaradei and Jonas Gahr Store | Financial Times
The simplest way to produce an atomic explosion is to slam together two sizeable chunks of high-enriched uranium (HEU) in what is commonly called a “gun-type nuke”. The approach might sound crude, and it is. No country currently uses this design for its nuclear weapons. ...
15/06/2006 | How the world can combat nuclear terrorism
Mohamed Elbaradei and Jonas Gahr Store | Financial Times
The simplest way to produce an atomic explosion is to slam together two sizeable chunks of high-enriched uranium (HEU) in what is commonly called a “gun-type nuke”. The approach might sound crude, and it is. No country currently uses this design for its nuclear weapons. ...
13/06/2006 | Gitmo's Suicide Cell
Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu | Front Page Magazine
Classical Islamic scholars will tell you that the Koran clearly forbids suicide. But in radical, twisted Wahabbist ideology that delineates the behavior of modern Islamofascist terrorists, the terror-imams have taught that suicide can be considered as a form of martyrdom, particularly if carried out against the infidel and to support jihad. ...
13/06/2006 | Palestinians, Israel and the Quartet: Pulling Back From the Brink
International Crisis Group Staff | International Crisis Group
The Israeli-Palestinian situation is heading towards catastrophic breakdown, and all players must urgently revise their policies. Palestinians are inching towards civil war, Israelis and Palestinians are perilously close to resuming all-out hostilities, and the international community is depriving the Palestinian Authority of vital assistance. ...
12/06/2006 | Al Zarqawi y los paradigmas pendientes de Occidente
Rubén Hernán Weinsteiner | ADN Mundo
"En las estructuras militares ya sean regulares o irregulares, todo número uno tiene un número dos", esa frase sonó en los oídos de Michael Hayden proveniente de un hombre del SIS, el Servicio de Inteligencia Pakistaní. ...
11/06/2006 | La tierra del arma naciente
Robert T. McLean | Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos
Con la Conferencia de Washington de 1921 a 1922, el Secretario de Estado Charles Evans Hughes se movió con éxito para garantizar que la Marina Imperial japonesa no adquiría la capacidad para derrotar a Estados Unidos en la batalla por el Pacífico. ...
11/06/2006 | Iraníes con miedo al miedo
Nir Boms y Reza Bulorchi | El Reloj
Tras dos décadas de mentiras de Teherán y tres años de identificar los deseos internacionales con la realidad, el caso nuclear de Irán se encuentra por fin en manos del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU. En el ínterin, la mulá-cracia de Teherán se ha estado involucrando en otra fase de parálisis internacional. ...
10/06/2006 | Analysis: Impasse helps Iranian oil
Mike Obel | UPI
Tehran's seemingly endless back-and-forth with Washington over its nuclear ambitions aims not just to get a good deal for the Islamic republic, it aims to maintain a good deal. ...
10/06/2006 | Eye on Eurasia: Russia's friends and foes
Paul Goble | UPI
Russians identify Belarus as their closest friend and ally but say that the Baltic states, Ukraine, Georgia and the United States are the countries most hostile to their own, according to a new poll. But strikingly there is not a single country that more than 50 percent of Russians think is either a friend or enemy of their own. ...
09/06/2006 | 15th Latin American Congress Of Ports In Guayaquil, Ecuador
AAPA Ports Staff | AAPA Ports
The most important annual event of Latin American Ports will take place altogether with the Commission of Inter-American Ports of OAS on next June 27-30 at the grand Colon Hilton Hotel in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House