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  Archivos 19881 a 19887 de 19887

15/05/2006 | Tablero Informativo del CHDS- Enero- abril 2006 - PDF
CHDS Staff | Centro de Estudios Hemisféricos de Defensa
14/05/2006 | The NSA Has Your Number
Chicago Tribune Staff | Chicago Tribune
This sounds like a vast and unchecked intrusion on privacy. ...
14/05/2006 | Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators
Jason Leopold | Tr u t h o u t
Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald spent more than half a day Friday at the offices of Patton Boggs, the law firm representing Karl Rove. ...
13/05/2006 | Beheadings in Mexico: The Foreign Element in Mexico's Drug Wars
Stratfor Staff | Stratfor
On May 8, authorities in the town of Aguaje in Mexico's Michoacan state found the beheaded body of Hector Espinoza, a lawyer whose client had been detained by authorities on suspicion of belonging to a drug cartel. ...
13/05/2006 | Matar por petróleo
Carlos Miguélez | El Reloj
Es cuestión de tiempo para que se cumplan los augurios de analistas y expertos con respecto a la próxima guerra mundial: será por el agua. Pero los políticos y los empresarios del mundo hacen tiempo para que el petróleo siga siendo el bien más preciado. ...
13/05/2006 | Questions Raised for Phone Giants in Spy Data Furor
John Markoff | NY Times
The former chief executive of Qwest, the nation's fourth-largest phone company, rebuffed government requests for the company's calling records after 9/11 because of "a disinclination on the part of the authorities to use any legal process," his lawyer said yesterday. ...
13/05/2006 | Bush Weighs Deploying Guard to US Border
A.P. | AP
Once again the Bush administration is turning to the military to help solve a domestic problem. But instead of hurricane aid or preparations to cope with avian flu, the Pentagon is being asked to possibly provide thousands of National Guard troops to shore up the U.S. border with Mexico, as part of President Bush's effort to gather support for an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws. ...
13/05/2006 | Pentagon Mulls Options for US Border Security Role
Reuters Staff | Reuters
The Pentagon has begun exploring options for the potential use of troops and equipment to help secure the U.S. border with Mexico, where hundreds of thousands of migrants enter the country illegally each year, a defense official said on Friday. ...
13/05/2006 | Army Rules Put on Hold
Julian E. Barnes | Los Angeles Times
The revised field manual seeks to permit harsher interrogations of terror suspects, which some lawmakers say violates the ban on torture. ...
12/05/2006 | Haiti after the Elections: Challenges for Préval’s First 100 Days
International Crisis Group Staff | International Crisis Group
René Préval’s inauguration on 14 May 2006 opens a crucial window of opportunity for Haiti to move beyond political polarisation, crime and economic decline. The 7 February presidential and parliamentary elections succeeded despite logistical problems, missing tally sheets and the after-the-fact reinterpretation of the electoral law. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House