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  Archivos 19971 a 19980 de 19986

07/04/2006 | ''Las ‘maras’ han mutado y son un fenómeno del crimen organizado''
Juan José Dalton | El Pais (Es)
Las pandillas violentas, conocidas en Centroamérica como maras, son quizá la principal preocupación de Gobiernos como el de El Salvador, que padece una tasa de homicidios de 55 por cada 100.000 habitantes, más del doble de la media latinoamericana. ...
07/04/2006 | La supresión de la libertad de Beijing
Robert T. McLean | Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos
El 8 de marzo, el gobierno chino y los inversores occidentales se reunieron en el cuartel general de Naciones Unidas en Nueva York para desvelar un producto cuyo nombre se deriva de la frase swahili “sin preocupaciones”. El nuevo producto no obstante, un motor de búsqueda en internet llamado Accoona, es motivo de extensa preocupación. ...
07/04/2006 | ESTADOS UNIDOS-Bush autorizó que se filtrara información -la que convenía a su Gobierno- de los servicios de espionaje sobre los arsenales de Saddam.
La Vanguardia Staff | La Vanguardia
Las confesiones de Scooter Libby, ex mano derecha de Cheney, reabren el escándalo sobre una antigua espía de la CIA. ...
06/04/2006 | Italy's Attraction for Islamist Militants
Stratfor Staff | Stratfor
Italian authorities claim they foiled attacks against the Milan subway system and Bologna's Basilica of San Petronio, home of a 1415 fresco by Giovanni da Modena that depicts the Prophet Mohammed being tormented in hell, by deporting seven people linked to two Algerian militant groups. ...
06/04/2006 | El asesinato del topo Donaldson complica la paz en el Ulster
La Vanguardia Staff | La Vanguardia
El fallecido tenía muchos enemigos, del IRA y de los protestantes ...
06/04/2006 | Washington: Debate on Merging Domestic and Foreign Intelligence
IntelligenceOnLine Staff | IntelligenceonLine
The Rand Corporation has just published a report on a seminar organized last June by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). It calls for a broad merger between domestic and foreign intelligence as well as law enforcement. ...
06/04/2006 | Europe Mulls Path Forward with Hamas
Ralf Beste, J. Fleischhauer & C. Schult | Spiegel
Berlin has spent millions supporting development in the Palestinian Authority. But in the wake of the election victory of terrorist organization Hamas, that aid -- like all European Union funds -- has been frozen. Berlin and the EU must now determine how best to deal with Hamas, which is classified here as a terrorist organization. ...
06/04/2006 | Thailand: Speculation and Suspicion Characterise Political Situation after Thai PM Steps Down
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday announced his decision to step down and called on Thais to unite and put the past few weeks of political unrest behind them. ...
06/04/2006 | CRS: Transnational Organized Crime
FAS Staff | FAS
The threat posed by organized crime networks to national security and international stability, and U.S. policy responses to the threat, are examined by the Congressional Research Service in a new report obtained by Secrecy News. ...
06/04/2006 | Secret History of the JASONs: Science's Postwar Elite
FAS Staff | FAS
One of the lacunae in the history of defense policy and science advice to government concerns the role of the JASON advisory panel. A fascinating new book on the JASONs helps to fill in that mysterious gap. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House