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  Archivos 711 a 720 de 746

17/06/2011 | Ciberseguridad - Los «hackers» de LulzSec atacan la CIA y disputan el protagonismo a Anonymous
J. F. Alonso | ABC
Este grupo pirata se ha convertido en apenas dos meses en uno de los «amos» de internet. Esta madrugada ha atacado la web de la CIA. Antes había golpeado al Senado de EE.UU. o a la FOX.Los dos grupos de piratas se lanzan a una carrera frenética de ataques contra gobiernos, agencias de seguridad y empresas.LulzSec ha abierto una línea telefónica para pedir ideas de objetivos a quienes atacar.La peligrosidad de los hackers se divide en tres grupos: blancos, negros y grises. ...
17/06/2011 | Hacker Group Goes After CIA Site
Ian Sherr | Wall Street Journal
A hacker group claimed Wednesday to have successfully knocked the Central Intelligence Agency's website offline, the latest in a string of attacks on U.S. government websites. ...
16/06/2011 | Technology Diffusion and Postwar Growth
Diego Comin and Bart Hobijn | NBER
16/06/2011 | Technology Diffusion and Postwar Growth
Diego Comin and Bart Hobijn | NBER
11/06/2011 | U.S. Cyber Strategy - The Perils of Deterrence
Mike Cronin | World Politics Review
Last week's announcement by Pentagon officials that cyberattacks could be classified as acts of war caused concern among those who worry that the United States might act outside international law if it retaliates to such attacks with military force. Others assert the move amounts to little more than a money grab by budget-savvy advocates looking to foment fear and exploit public ignorance. ...
11/06/2011 | U.S. Cyber Strategy - The Perils of Deterrence
Mike Cronin | World Politics Review
Last week's announcement by Pentagon officials that cyberattacks could be classified as acts of war caused concern among those who worry that the United States might act outside international law if it retaliates to such attacks with military force. Others assert the move amounts to little more than a money grab by budget-savvy advocates looking to foment fear and exploit public ignorance. ...
03/06/2011 | Mexicans turn to social media for news about drug crimes
Tim Johnson | Miami Herald
The messages brim with urgency as they pop across computer screens and into cell phones, made all the more stark by their brevity. ...
03/06/2011 | Mexicans turn to social media for news about drug crimes
Tim Johnson | Miami Herald
The messages brim with urgency as they pop across computer screens and into cell phones, made all the more stark by their brevity. ...
30/05/2011 | EE.UU. - Ciberataque contra el mayor proveedor del Pentágono
ABC Staff | ABC
Lockheed Martin: El gigante aeroespacial proporciona a las Fuerzas Aéreas de EE.UU. buena parte de sus aviones de combate. ...
30/05/2011 | China - anuncia la creación de un ´ejército azul´ para la ciberguerra
Isidre Ambrós | La Vanguardia
Pekín justifica la necesidad de una unidad de élite para defenderse de los ´hackers´. El Ministerio de Defensa alega que la seguridad en la red es un problema de ámbito social y militar. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House