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High Tech  

  Archivos 811 a 813 de 813

21/10/2010 | US hi-tech sanctions against India to go
Yashwant Raj and Jayanth Jacob | Hindustan Times
US President Barack Obama is expected to announce the end of advanced nuclear technology sanctions against India when he arrives on his first state visit to the country in early November. ...
30/09/2010 | Guerra cibernética - El virus de la central nuclear de Irán ataca a un millar de industrias en China
El gusano Stuxnet, una peligrosa arma de guerra cibernética, ha dañado 6 millones de ordenadores de importantes empresas. ...
30/09/2010 | Stuxnet 'cyber superweapon' moves to China
A.F.P. | Breitbart
A computer virus dubbed the world's "first cyber superweapon" by experts and which may have been designed to attack Iran's nuclear facilities has found a new target -- China. ...
26/09/2010 | Cyberwar Chief Calls for Secure Computer Network
Thom Shanker | NY Times
The new commander of the military’s cyberwarfare operations is advocating the creation of a separate, secure computer network to protect civilian government agencies and critical industries like the nation’s power grid against attacks mounted over the Internet. ...
25/09/2010 | Gaps in authority hamper military against cyber-attacks
Shaun Waterman | Washington Times
The U.S. military lacks full authority to defend the nation from a major cyber-attack aimed at crippling vital computer networks in the civilian sector, the general in charge of the new U.S. Cyber Command told lawmakers Thursday. ...
13/09/2010 | US - Homeland Security to test iris scanners
Thomas Frank | USA Today
The Homeland Security Department plans to test futuristic iris scan technology that stores digital images of people's eyes in a database and is considered a quicker alternative to fingerprints. ...
05/09/2010 | The future of the internet - A virtual counter-revolution
The Economist Staff | The Economist
The internet has been a great unifier of people, companies and online networks. Powerful forces are threatening to balkanise it ...
05/09/2010 | The future of the internet - A virtual counter-revolution
The Economist Staff | The Economist
The internet has been a great unifier of people, companies and online networks. Powerful forces are threatening to balkanise it ...
27/08/2010 | Colombia's Facebook Hit List: Drug Gangs 2.0
John Otis | Time Magazine
The messages, spread via e-mail and Facebook, warned dozens of youths in the southern Colombian town of Puerto Asis to clear out within three days — or die. At first, residents thought it was a joke. But on Aug. 15, two of the blacklisted teenagers were gunned down while riding a motorcycle; a third was shot dead on Friday. Meanwhile, the number of people on the death list, believed to have been compiled by one of a new crop of drug trafficking gangs, expanded to 69. ...
27/08/2010 | Colombia's Facebook Hit List: Drug Gangs 2.0
John Otis | Time Magazine
The messages, spread via e-mail and Facebook, warned dozens of youths in the southern Colombian town of Puerto Asis to clear out within three days — or die. At first, residents thought it was a joke. But on Aug. 15, two of the blacklisted teenagers were gunned down while riding a motorcycle; a third was shot dead on Friday. Meanwhile, the number of people on the death list, believed to have been compiled by one of a new crop of drug trafficking gangs, expanded to 69. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House