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High Tech  

  Archivos 841 a 850 de 857

09/07/2010 | U.S. Plans Cyber Shield for Utilities, Companies
Siobhan Gorman | Wall Street Journal
The federal government is launching an expansive program dubbed "Perfect Citizen" to detect cyber assaults on private companies and government agencies running such critical infrastructure as the electricity grid and nuclear-power plants, according to people familiar with the program. ...
05/07/2010 | Cybersecurity: Protect the Internet, but How?
Chris Bronk | World Politics Review

Since late last year, members of the U.S. Congress have introduced no less than 34 different bills dealing with information security and Internet policy. Many of these bills are well-meaning, such as the House resolution calling upon Vietnam to "release imprisoned bloggers and respect Internet freedom" -- even if the bill applies no penalties and, more importantly, appropriates no money. ...
04/07/2010 | Hack into a smart phone? It's easy, security experts find
David Sarno | Los Angeles Times
Just one number can unlock your personal information, your private conversations and even your whereabouts to smart-phone hackers. ...
02/07/2010 | Hackers target Microsoft Windows XP support system
Hi-tech criminals are "escalating" attacks on an unpatched bug in the Windows XP help and support system. ...
22/06/2010 | The New Rules: When Technology Becomes More Human
Thomas P. M. Barnett | World Politics Review
As the senior managing director of a technology firm that employs algorithms in their most complex forms, I spend a lot of time trying to explain, via nature-centric analogies, how these formulae work. ...
19/06/2010 | Las 400 leyes que gobiernan el mundo digital
B. Yuste | ABC
Nuevas y viejas teorías que explican la relación entre la información y la tecnología. ...
18/06/2010 | Guerra cibernética: Microsoft, un eslabón débil de la seguridad nacional
Matthew Lasar | Ars Technica
«Microsoft dispone de unos recursos inmensos; literalmente, de miles de millones de dólares en efectivo o en reservas de activos disponibles. Microsoft es un imperio increíblemente exitoso cimentado sobre la premisa de la preeminencia en el mercado con artículos de baja calidad» ...
10/06/2010 | Apple's Worst Security Breach: 114,000 iPad Owners Exposed
Gawker -Staff | Gawker
Apple has suffered another embarrassment. A security breach has exposed iPad owners including dozens of CEOs, military officials, and top politicians. They—and every other buyer of the wireless-enabled tablet—could be vulnerable to spam marketing and malicious hacking. ...
02/06/2010 | Cyber Command: We Don’t Wanna Defend the Internet (We Just Might Have To)
Noah Shachtman | Wired
Members of the military’s new Cyber Command insist that they’ve got no interest in taking over civilian Internet security – or even in becoming the Pentagon’s primary information protectors. But the push to intertwine military and civilian network defenses is gaining momentum, nevertheless. ...
02/06/2010 | Glitch shows how much US military relies on GPS
Dan Elliott | GoogleNews
A problem that rendered as many as 10,000 U.S. military GPS receivers useless for days is a warning to safeguard a system that enemies would love to disrupt, a defense expert says. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House