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31/08/2011 | Frente Externo
In Gaddafi’s wake
It still works. Western military intervention —no matter how halfhearted and apparently ineffectual — is still sufficient to tip the balance against a rogue regime.
31/08/2011 | Frente Externo
In Gaddafi’s wake
It still works. Western military intervention —no matter how halfhearted and apparently ineffectual — is still sufficient to tip the balance against a rogue regime.
25/08/2011 | Frente Externo
Gloating China, Hidden Problems
Beijing has chastised the U.S. for fiscal recklessness, but it may be headed for an economic collapse of its own.
25/08/2011 | Frente Externo
Gloating China, Hidden Problems
Beijing has chastised the U.S. for fiscal recklessness, but it may be headed for an economic collapse of its own.
12/07/2011 | En Profundidad
The Global Temper Tantrum
Fury is spreading. But the mobs ignore the real culprit behind broken economies.This is the age of indignation. Politics in the Western world are becoming more emotional—because our problems are so intractable.
12/07/2011 | En Profundidad
The Global Temper Tantrum
Fury is spreading. But the mobs ignore the real culprit behind broken economies.This is the age of indignation. Politics in the Western world are becoming more emotional—because our problems are so intractable.
01/03/2010 | En Parrilla
America, the fragile empireHere today, gone tomorrow -- could the United States fall that fast?
For centuries, historians, political theorists, anthropologists and the public have tended to think about the political process in seasonal, cyclical terms. From Polybius to Paul Kennedy, from ancient Rome to imperial Britain, we discern a rhythm to history. Great powers, like great men, are born, rise, reign and then gradually wane. No matter whether civilizations decline culturally, economically or ecologically, their downfalls are protracted.
01/04/2009 | En Profundidad
El eje del mal
Olvidémonos de Irán, Irak y Corea del Norte, el "eje del mal" de Bush. Ahora que el desastre económico se une a la agitación política y social, los peores problemas del mundo pueden originarse en países como Somalia, Rusia y México. Y no son más que el comienzo.
03/10/2008 | Economia y Finanzas
The End of Prosperity?
Congress's initial rejection of the Bush Administration's $700 billion bailout plan calls to mind an unhappy precedent. Back in 1930, the Senate passed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which raised duties on some 20,000 imported goods. Historians define this as one of the critical steps that led to the Great Depression — a tipping point when the world realized that partisan self-interest had trumped global leadership on Capitol Hill.
03/10/2008 | Economia y Finanzas
The End of Prosperity?
Congress's initial rejection of the Bush Administration's $700 billion bailout plan calls to mind an unhappy precedent. Back in 1930, the Senate passed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which raised duties on some 20,000 imported goods. Historians define this as one of the critical steps that led to the Great Depression — a tipping point when the world realized that partisan self-interest had trumped global leadership on Capitol Hill.
05/06/2006 | Frente Externo
EE.UU.- Conversión al realismo
Los X-Men se han apoderado de Washington. Por un instante creímos que teníamos delante un puñado de incompetentes y fantasiosos neocon -derrochadores, por más señas- al timón de la Administración estadounidense... que la han dejado prácticamente para el arrastre.
05/05/2006 | Economia y Finanzas
Petróleo caro? ¡Ponga azúcar!
Los británicos la llaman petróleo (petrol), los estadounidenses prefieren llamarla gasolina (gasoline). Llámesela como se quiera, los precios en el surtidor están por las nubes. La semana pasada, a tres dólares el galón (3,8 litros) en ciertos puntos de Estados Unidos. Ante esta situación, a los conductores británicos sólo se les ocurre responder: ¡idiotas! Conduciendo el viernes pasado por la M40 inglesa, dejé atrás estaciones de servicio que vendían la gasolina sin plomo a 97,9 peniques el litro (6,62 dólares el galón). Si una estación de servicio británica vendiera gasolina a precios estadounidenses - 44 peniques el litro-, las colas ocuparían la M40 de un extremo a otro.
04/03/2006 | En Profundidad
La quiebra de las civilizaciones
Hace ya casi 13 años que mi colega y vecino Samuel Huntington publicó en Foreign Affairs su influyente ensayo El choque de las civilizaciones.
19/01/2006 | En Profundidad
The origins of the Great War of 2007 - and how it could have been prevented
Are we living through the origins of the next world war? Certainly, it is easy to imagine how a future historian might deal with the next phase of events in the Middle East:
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House