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30/01/2017 | En Parrilla
These 5 Votes Could Help Shape the World in 2017
Not all votes grab global headlines, even when they should. Here then are the five under-the-radar votes that will help shape the geopolitics of 2017.
13/03/2016 | En Profundidad
¿Guerra fría o paz caliente?
No estamos en 1962, por mucho que Moscú lo pretenda. EE UU, la UE y Rusia son diferentes
28/02/2016 | Economia y Finanzas
Pendientes del petróleo
Debemos hacernos a la idea de que el precio del crudo no se va a recuperar a corto plazo
16/02/2015 | Economia y Finanzas
Un mundo con el petróleo barato
La bajada del precio del crudo tendrá importantes efectos de carácter estratégico.
13/10/2014 | Frente Externo
Excepciones en una era turbulenta
China, Japón e India actúan con liderazgo y acierto para la paz y la estabilidad global.
27/09/2014 | En Parrilla
Hacia un nuevo desorden mundial
Henry Kissinger sostiene que el deterioro del liderazgo de Estados Unidos dividirá el planeta en esferas regionales de influencia. Pero falta saber cómo evolucionará China y cuál será el papel de India y Alemania.
26/05/2014 | En Parrilla
Los retos de los países emergentes
Las elecciones que celebran en 2014 servirán para valorar si harán reformas
30/09/2013 | En Parrilla
La creciente tensión entre Rusia y EE UU
El deterioro de las relaciones Moscú-Washington tiene efectos globales
27/07/2013 | Economia y Finanzas
La agresiva política comercial china
El gigante asiático está invirtiendo en África y América Latina a través de empresas que tienen el respaldo del Estado. El resto de los gobiernos deberían estar preocupados por el papel que Pekín jugará en el future.
26/12/2012 | En Parrilla
China is the elephant in the situation room
Earlier this month the National Intelligence Council released its Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds report — a document that comes out once per presidential administration — mapping out likely geopolitical trends over the next two decades or so. As usual, it’s a must-read, offering comprehensive analysis of the disparate factors that will drive global politics through 2030.
22/10/2012 | Frente Externo
US Election 2012- Four Debate Questions for Obama and Romney
There will always be a wide gap between what candidates promise and what they deliver once elected, particularly when it comes to foreign policy. After all, this is an area where U.S. presidents have less control than either candidate will ever admit near a microphone. But this year, there are contradictions that cut straight to the heart of debates over American power and how it should be used. With that in mind, here are the questions I would like to see each candidate answer.
07/04/2012 | Frente Externo
Why Syria’s Assad is still in power
Last week, likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney caused a tempest in a teapot when he told CNN that he thought the top U.S. geopolitical foe is Russia. President Obama’s White House seized on the comment, rebutting that al Qaeda is actually our top foe abroad. But if we look at the way American foreign policy has been enacted since the beginnings of the global crisis, it’s clear that America’s biggest opponent on the world stage is really itself.
12/04/2011 | En Profundidad
Measuring the revolution wave
A prediction three months ago that popular protests would soon topple a dictatorship in Tunisia, sweep Hosni Mubarak from power in Egypt, provoke civil war in Moammar Gadhafi's Libya, and rattle regimes from Morocco to Yemen would have drawn serious skepticism. We knew the tinder was dry, but we could never know how or when it would combust. Now that it has, how far can the flames spread?.
30/08/2007 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Should We Be Worried About Russia and China Ganging Up on the West?
Whenever Russian and Chinese officials shake hands, Washington takes notice, and renewed concern over a potential anti-Western Sino-Russian axis gains fresh momentum. The annual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a Moscow- and Beijing-dominated Central Asian security forum, generated headlines earlier this month when special guest Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used the occasion to again denounce U.S. foreign policy.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House