Inteligencia y Seguridad Frente Externo En Profundidad Economia y Finanzas Transparencia
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14/12/2008 | Frente Externo
Panamanian Election could mean another victory for Chavez. PDF

26/07/2008 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Iran in Latin America
Six years after President Bush's 2002 State of the Union address, the United States may be facing a new Axis of Evil. Iran has been courting leftist political regimes throughout Latin America, using anti-American sentiment as the foundation for improving economic, political, and possibly military ties in the Western hemisphere.
26/07/2008 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Iran in Latin America
Six years after President Bush's 2002 State of the Union address, the United States may be facing a new Axis of Evil. Iran has been courting leftist political regimes throughout Latin America, using anti-American sentiment as the foundation for improving economic, political, and possibly military ties in the Western hemisphere.
25/11/2007 | Frente Externo
Venezuela al día: cuenta regresiva hacia la Tiranía - III
La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) censuró la actuación del Gobierno de Venezuela por violar los derechos de los empresarios y de sus asociaciones.
25/11/2007 | Frente Externo
Venezuela Brief: Countdown to Tyranny III
The International Labor Organization (ILO) censored the Venezuelan government's performance for violating the rights of employers and their associations.
25/11/2007 | Frente Externo
Venezuela Brief: Countdown to Tyranny IV
Violence levels in Venezuela worry Amnesty International
25/11/2007 | Frente Externo
Venezuela al día: cuenta regresiva hacia la Tiranía - IV
Niveles de violencia en Venezuela alarman a Amnistía Internacional
25/11/2007 | Frente Externo
The Americas Report November 21, 2007 - PDF

18/11/2007 | Frente Externo
Venezuela Brief: Countdown to Tyranny II
Amid oil opulence, Venezuelans are now spending hours in line waiting to buy basic foodstuffs. For several months now there have been reports of food shortages. Supermarket shelves remain stocked with aged whiskey and imported wine, but basic products are nowhere to be found.
18/11/2007 | Frente Externo
Venezuela al día: cuenta regresiva hacia la Tiranía - II
A pesar que en Venezuela abunda el petróleo, Chávez esta llevando a su país al totalitarismo siguiendo los pasos de Fidel Castro. Por meses, ha habido reportes de escasez de alimentos básicos. Los estantes de los supermercados están llenos de whisky y vinos caros, pero los productos básicos brillan por su ausencia.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House