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12/10/2010 | In Rough Slum, Brazil’s Police Try Soft Touch

Alexei Barrionuevo

Leonardo Bento longed for vengeance after a policeman killed his brother five years ago. So when he heard that the new “peace police” force in the City of God slum was offering free karate classes, Mr. Bento signed up, hoping he would at least get to beat up the karate instructor.


But the unexpected happened. Eduardo da Silva, the police instructor, won him over with humor and a handshake. “I began to realize that the policeman in front of me was just a human being and not the monster I had imagined in my head,” Mr. Bento, 22, said.

Years of hate and mistrust are thawing in some of Rio’s most violent slums. Pushed to alleviate security concerns before the city’s double-billing on the international stage — the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games — Rio officials have embarked on an ambitious plan to wrest control of the slums, or favelas, from ruthless drug gangs who ruled for years with big guns and abject terror.

The peace officers are central to that effort, flooding in after the military police clear the streets in gun battles that can last weeks. Their job is part traditional policing, part social work. They devote themselves to winning over residents scarred by decades of violence — some at the hands of the police. And the tips fed to them from those who support their efforts, officers say, help them keep the relative peace.

For decades, City of God — whose brutal past was immortalized in a 2002 film — was one of the city’s most fearsome neighborhoods, so dangerous that even the police rarely dared to enter.

Those days seem long gone. Drug dealing remains, and in at least one area, outsiders can enter only with permission from local youths who patrol the streets.

Still, the men with the big guns are gone, or at least have been driven underground. And life is returning to the streets.

Children now play outside without fear of stray bullets. They skip rope and play table tennis with paddles made from floor tiles. Soccer matches, formerly violent affairs, have become more civil, with officers sometimes joining in the games.

But almost two years after the new police units first arrived, many residents in this community of 120,000 people still struggle to accept that the 315 police officers working 12-hour shifts around them are no longer the enemy. Others welcome the calm but distrust it, worrying that the police force — formally called “police pacification units” — will leave once the Olympics end.

“Nobody likes us here,” Officer Luis Pizarro said during a recent night patrol. “It can be frustrating sometimes.”

Officer Pizarro and two others patrolled along a narrow river choked with garbage and reeking of human and animal waste. Families gathered around makeshift fires. Women danced the samba as men drank cachaça, the Brazilian sugarcane liquor. Almost no one waved at or greeted the officers, who walked through an alleyway littered with multicolored paper used to package crack and cocaine.

“There goes the Elite Squad,” said one man from a doorway, chuckling as the three officers passed by.

The hostility is not hard to understand. For decades, government officials refused to take responsibility for the slums, and as drug gangs built caches of weapons it became harder for the police to enter without a firefight. Residents resented the police for abandoning them, and reviled them for the brutality that marked their bloody raids.

Without a daily police presence, city services suffered, and doctors and other professionals began to shun the slums for safety reasons. Drug gang leaders became judge and jury.

“People did not have the courage” to retake the slums, said José Mariano Beltrame, who took over as Rio’s secretary of public security in 2007. “People preferred to throw the dust under the carpet to avoid facing the problem.”

The favelas have rarely surrendered without a fight. At least eight people died in City of God in 2008 in the initial raids by the police. Such battles are expected to become more widespread as the police move into new neighborhoods. So far, they have installed 12 pacification units, covering 35 communities. But Mr. Beltrame plans to establish units in 160 communities by 2014, including in favelas like Rocinha and Complexo do Alemão, which are larger than City of God.

On a recent Sunday night, a few dozen young men walked freely in Rocinha with rifles and machine guns. One carried a small rocket launcher.

Many gang leaders from slums where the police have taken over are fleeing to Complexo do Alemão, the police said. Mr. Beltrame said he probably did not have the manpower to occupy either slum this year, calling it a “complex operation.” He said he could not guarantee that people would not die.

Even with violent challenges ahead, many Rio residents are rooting for the program. Dilma Rousseff, the leading candidate to be Brazil’s next president, has proposed expanding the model to other cities. Millions of dollars in donations from companies like Coca-Cola and a billionaire businessman, Eike Batista, are also pouring in, paying for things like police equipment.

Mr. Beltrame said his main goal was to rid the streets of “weapons of war,” not necessarily to end drug dealing. He is also working, he said, to diminish police corruption. Many of the peace officers are purposely recruited right out of the police academy, before they are tempted to accept drug money to supplement relatively low wages.

In City of God, drug gang leaders have been arrested, killed or fled, but some of their family members remain, waiting for the police to leave. In Carate, the part of the slum patrolled by youths involved in the drug trade, residents say they feel caught between the police and the gangs.

“I am scared even to say ‘good afternoon’ to the police here,” said Beatriz Soares, who fears that drug traffickers might be watching.

But her family fears the police as well. When a policeman came to her door one day, she said her 3-year-old son “asked him if he was going to kill him.”

Still, it is clear that the police presence has changed lives for the better throughout City of God. School attendance has increased, with one high school showing a 90 percent rise in attendance since the community police arrived, a school official said. Earth-moving trucks are dredging the narrow, sewage-filled river, and garbage trucks pass through three times a week.

The police have also made more than 200 arrests since they retook City of God, and crime has fallen: 6 homicides last year compared with 34 in 2008.

Residents are mainly grateful, though some say something intangible has been lost, a certain edgy free-spiritedness.

In the past, gang members often subsidized drug-fueled funk parties to recruit dealers.

The police are now strictly controlling the dances — limiting alcohol consumption among minors and censoring misogynistic lyrics that glorify drug gangs.

Mr. Beltrame said the peace police program is guaranteed only through 2014, but that its success would make it hard for future politicians to dismantle.

Capt. José Luiz de Medeiros, who leads the police unit in City of God, said he was building a force for the long term, and working hard to win the residents’ trust. About a dozen officers recently visited a new day care center, spinning pacifiers around their fingers while children played with their radios and clambered around their legs and holstered guns.

Some of the officers have been pulled off patrol duty to teach guitar and piano classes and English. Officer da Silva, the karate instructor, is one of those who now teaches full-time.

Mr. Bento, who joined the class after his brother died, said he had considered going into drug trafficking to gain access to guns. But since meeting Officer da Silva, he has changed his mind and now tries to help other residents conquer their fear of the police.

Officer da Silva said he understood the people’s wariness. “It is impossible for them to forget their past,” he said. “All I can do is make sure I am open to them.”

To make his point, he comes to City of God unarmed and without a bulletproof vest.

“Force does not bring about peace,” he said. “It can instill respect, but not trust.”

Myrna Domit contributed reporting.

NY Times (Estados Unidos)


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