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  Archivos 16341 a 16350 de 16363

22/08/2008 | Uruguay- Despedida con paro general
Dr. Alberto Scavarelli |
Pretendiendo que fuera una obra de arte abstracta a la que cada cual interpreta como quiere, se pretende desdibujar un mensaje de claro rechazo como lo fue el paro general de esta semana, resuelto desde una central afín políticamente al gobierno, que convocó a la paralización total. Claro y rotundo. ...
22/08/2008 | Venezuela: Rumbo perdido -
Javier Santiso | Hacer - Washington DC
"... La experiencia chavista durará lo que dure los precios elevados del petróleo. Es decir que puede durar todavía algo más. Sin embargo ilustra esa maldición de las materias primas que tanto evocaron los economistas. No todos los países ricos en oro negro o minerales están atrapados en ella. No hay destino fatal en todo esto, sino instituciones que consiguen - o no - canalizar esa abundancia. Países de la OCDE, ricos en petróleo o minerales como Noruega, Australia o Canadá lo lograron." ...
20/08/2008 | Survivors in Georgia Tell of Ethnic Killings
Sabrina Tavernise | NY Times
The men who came to Gulnara Militaura’s house seemed to know what they were looking for. They entered her kitchen and shot her husband and his brother in the head. ...
20/08/2008 | Venezuela's Weak Strongman: Chavez Does Not Speak for the South American Left
Jaime Daremblum | Daily Standard
Hugo Chávez has been busy lately. On July 22, the Venezuelan president arrived in Moscow to finalize a number of bilateral energy and military agreements, including several arms deals that (according to a Russian newspaper) are reportedly worth around $2 billion. (His previous weapons acquisitions from Russia total some $4.5 billion.) ...
20/08/2008 | Survivors in Georgia Tell of Ethnic Killings
Sabrina Tavernise | NY Times
The men who came to Gulnara Militaura’s house seemed to know what they were looking for. They entered her kitchen and shot her husband and his brother in the head. ...
20/08/2008 | Venezuela's Weak Strongman: Chavez Does Not Speak for the South American Left
Jaime Daremblum | Daily Standard
Hugo Chávez has been busy lately. On July 22, the Venezuelan president arrived in Moscow to finalize a number of bilateral energy and military agreements, including several arms deals that (according to a Russian newspaper) are reportedly worth around $2 billion. (His previous weapons acquisitions from Russia total some $4.5 billion.) ...
17/08/2008 | Venezuela - El control cambiario de Chávez golpea al libro- Leer: el nuevo lujo venezolano
Rafael Osío Cabrices | Revista Arcadia
Justo cuando el sector editorial venezolano vive una bonanza, una resolución gubernamental expulsa al libro de la lista de rubros que pueden importarse automáticamente con dólares subsidiados. Los lectores del país vecino se debaten entre la escasez y la carestía, mientras los distribuidores, entre ellos importantes empresas colombianas, buscan una rectificación oficial. ...
17/08/2008 | Time for unity
Juhel Browne | Trinidad Express
Grenada's new Prime Minister Tillman Thomas says the time has come for all 15 Caribbean Community (Caricom) member states to begin the establishment of a political union, even as his country is now engaged in formal talks with Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St Vincent and the Grenadines regarding such a union. ...
17/08/2008 | Bolivia- Evo’s big win
The Economist Staff | The Economist
A recall referendum strengthens the socialist president, but fails to knock out his opponents in a still-divided country. ...
17/08/2008 | Venezuela - El control cambiario de Chávez golpea al libro- Leer: el nuevo lujo venezolano
Rafael Osío Cabrices | Revista Arcadia
Justo cuando el sector editorial venezolano vive una bonanza, una resolución gubernamental expulsa al libro de la lista de rubros que pueden importarse automáticamente con dólares subsidiados. Los lectores del país vecino se debaten entre la escasez y la carestía, mientras los distribuidores, entre ellos importantes empresas colombianas, buscan una rectificación oficial. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House