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  Archivos 17131 a 17140 de 17143

07/03/2009 | Somalia - German Navy Detains 9 Pirate Suspects
Spiegel Staff | Spiegel
In a dramatic deployment at the Horn of Africa, a German navy frigate has stopped a pirate attack and taken nine suspects into custody. The success marks the first time Germany has made arrests during pirate patrols off the coast of Somalia. ...
07/03/2009 | Propone EE.UU. unión militar antinarco, almirante Michael G. Mullen
El Universal Staff | El Universal
Estado Mayor Conjunto habla de “mancomunión” con México. ...
07/03/2009 | Soldiers of peace
Caroline Glick | Center for Security Policy
Compare and contrast the following three events: At the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors meeting on Wednesday, George Schulte, the US ambassador to the IAEA, pointed an accusatory finger at Syria. Damascus, Schulte said, has not come clean on its nuclear program. That program, of course, was exposed in September 2007 when Israel reportedly destroyed Syria's North Korean-built, Iranian-financed al-Kibar nuclear reactor. ...
07/03/2009 | México - Ciudad Juárez: Ejecución sumaria con lista en mano
Diego Osorno | Milenio
“En el área de alta seguridad había 15 cuerpos molidos a golpes; en ese sector estaban más reos, pero no fueron agredidos”, dijo el vocero del estado. Ayer se identificó a cinco presuntos autores intelectuales. ...
07/03/2009 | México - Jefe militar de EEUU se reúne con secretario de Marina
Jorge Alejandro Medellín | El Universal
Mike Mullen, jefe del Estado Mayor estadounidense, subrayó la necesidad de sumar esfuerzos para combatir la delincuencia organizada mediante operativos conjuntos e intercambio de información de inteligencia. ...
07/03/2009 | Somalia - German Navy Detains 9 Pirate Suspects
Spiegel Staff | Spiegel
In a dramatic deployment at the Horn of Africa, a German navy frigate has stopped a pirate attack and taken nine suspects into custody. The success marks the first time Germany has made arrests during pirate patrols off the coast of Somalia. ...
07/03/2009 | Propone EE.UU. unión militar antinarco, almirante Michael G. Mullen
El Universal Staff | El Universal
Estado Mayor Conjunto habla de “mancomunión” con México. ...
07/03/2009 | Soldiers of peace
Caroline Glick | Center for Security Policy
Compare and contrast the following three events: At the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors meeting on Wednesday, George Schulte, the US ambassador to the IAEA, pointed an accusatory finger at Syria. Damascus, Schulte said, has not come clean on its nuclear program. That program, of course, was exposed in September 2007 when Israel reportedly destroyed Syria's North Korean-built, Iranian-financed al-Kibar nuclear reactor. ...
07/03/2009 | México - Ciudad Juárez: Ejecución sumaria con lista en mano
Diego Osorno | Milenio
“En el área de alta seguridad había 15 cuerpos molidos a golpes; en ese sector estaban más reos, pero no fueron agredidos”, dijo el vocero del estado. Ayer se identificó a cinco presuntos autores intelectuales. ...
06/03/2009 | Key events in U.S. war on drugs in Latin America
Robin Emmott | Reuters
Following is a timeline of the key events in the U.S. war on drugs in Latin America. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House