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  Archivos 18131 a 18140 de 18153

28/10/2006 | Election 2006: ODS Landslide Victories in Senate and Local Elections Signal Nature of New Czech Government
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
The Civic Democrats (ODS) won a landslide victory in the Czech Senate and local elections, held on 20–21 October; the position of ODS leader Mirek Topolanek is considerably boosted as he continues negotiations for the formation of a new cabinet, while his main opponent, Jiri Paroubek of the Social Democrats, has been weakened. ...
28/10/2006 | BRAZIL-Election 2006: President Lula On Course for a Second Term in Brazil
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
Campaigning ahead of the second-round vote of the Brazilian presidential elections on 29 October closed on Wednesday, with polls showing President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Worker’s Party (PT), holding a lead of over 20% over his rival, former governor of São Paulo Geraldo Alckmin (Brazilian Social Democratic Party—PSDB). ...
28/10/2006 | BRASIL- Geraldo Alckmin / Candidato socialdemócrata: «Cerraremos fronteras para combatir el lavado de dinero que financia el crimen»
La Razón (Es) Staff | La Razón
Las encuestas le sitúan 24 puntos por debajo de Lula en la intención de voto, pero el candidato socialdemócrata no pierde esperanzas de derrotar al candidato de izquierdas en segunda ronda. ...
28/10/2006 | USA´06 - La picaresca electoral del Tío Sam
Marta G. Hontoria | La Razón
Republicanos y demócratas «ensucian» la campaña con mentiras y ataques para ganar el día 7 ...
28/10/2006 | USA´06- El párkinson como arma electoral
De Nuestra Redacción |
Polémica tras un vídeo de Michael J. Fox a favor de los demócratas en el que es incapaz de contener los espasmos.Los republicanos critican el uso de la enfermedad durante la campaña. ...
27/10/2006 | Fidel Castro en tercera persona
Antonio José Ponte | El Pais (Es)
Hace algún tiempo circuló por La Habana un chiste en el cual se decidía la suerte póstuma de Fidel Castro. ...
27/10/2006 | Venezuela - ¡Golpismo contra golpismo!
Agustin Blanco Muñoz | El Universal (Ve)
La pregunta en relación a lo que va a pasar el 03D-06 sigue generando debate. Para el oficialismo está claro y definido su triunfo. Todo está montado-arreglado para que así ocurra. No hay espacio para la sorpresa. ...
27/10/2006 | Democrats lead in US election-Reuters poll
John Whitesides | Reuters
Voters strongly favor Democratic candidates over Republicans in the Nov. 7 congressional election and harbor growing doubts about the Iraq war and the country's future, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released Thursday. ...
26/10/2006 | Will the Media Drown in an 06 Election 'Wave'?
Jed Babbin | Real Clear Politics
Like sportscasters, political pundits resort to clichés when the game isn't going according to their predictions. If the expected Democratic "wave" fails to materialize - or if, against the odds, an electoral wave breaks to the Republicans' advantage - the punditry will be flooding the airwaves with clichés, backpedaling like a French army. But pundits, like weathermen, recover easily from wrong predictions. After this election, those I call the 527 Media may not, because they're doing their best to win it for the Democrats. ...
26/10/2006 | Koreans take dimmer view of 'Sunshine'
Donald Kirk | CSMonitor
Policy of engagement comes under scrutiny as a poll finds that 65 percent of Koreans now support a nuclear program. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House