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  Archivos 18561 a 18570 de 18584

20/05/2007 | Mercenarios. La guardia pretoriana de Bush
Yolanda Monge | El Pais (Es)
Los guardaespaldas mercenarios de Blackwater, quinto brazo militar de EE UU. ...
19/05/2007 | Nepal’s Maoists: Purists or Pragmatists?
International Crisis Group Staff | International Crisis Group
While Nepal’s Maoists have accepted multiparty democracy and have lost their appetite for all-out war, they could still resort to physical confrontation if the peace process stagnates. ...
19/05/2007 | Argelia - El paisaje argelino de Al Qaeda
Carla Fibla | La Vanguardia
Es una guerra cubierta por una extraña normalidad, que se explica por la experiencia vivida durante la década de duros enfrentamientos entre los islamistas del Frente Islámico de Salvación y el régimen argelino. ...
19/05/2007 | Nepal’s Maoists: Purists or Pragmatists?
International Crisis Group Staff | International Crisis Group
While Nepal’s Maoists have accepted multiparty democracy and have lost their appetite for all-out war, they could still resort to physical confrontation if the peace process stagnates. ...
19/05/2007 | Argelia - El paisaje argelino de Al Qaeda
Carla Fibla | La Vanguardia
Es una guerra cubierta por una extraña normalidad, que se explica por la experiencia vivida durante la década de duros enfrentamientos entre los islamistas del Frente Islámico de Salvación y el régimen argelino. ...
17/05/2007 | The United States, Iran and the Iraq Negotiation Process
George Friedman and Reva Bhalla | Stratfor
At long last, the United States and Iran announced May 13 that they will engage in direct public bilateral talks over Iraq. From Washington, it was the office of Vice President Dick Cheney and the National Security Council that broke the news. ...
17/05/2007 | It's Our Cage, Too. Torture Betrays Us and Breeds New Enemies
Charles C. Krulak and Joseph P. Hoar | Washington Post
Fear can be a strong motivator. It led Franklin Roosevelt to intern tens of thousands of innocent U.S. citizens during World War II; it led to Joseph McCarthy's witch hunt, which ruined the lives of hundreds of Americans. And it led the United States to adopt a policy at the highest levels that condoned and even authorized torture of prisoners in our custody. ...
17/05/2007 | The United States, Iran and the Iraq Negotiation Process
George Friedman and Reva Bhalla | Stratfor
At long last, the United States and Iran announced May 13 that they will engage in direct public bilateral talks over Iraq. From Washington, it was the office of Vice President Dick Cheney and the National Security Council that broke the news. ...
17/05/2007 | It's Our Cage, Too. Torture Betrays Us and Breeds New Enemies
Charles C. Krulak and Joseph P. Hoar | Washington Post
Fear can be a strong motivator. It led Franklin Roosevelt to intern tens of thousands of innocent U.S. citizens during World War II; it led to Joseph McCarthy's witch hunt, which ruined the lives of hundreds of Americans. And it led the United States to adopt a policy at the highest levels that condoned and even authorized torture of prisoners in our custody. ...
16/05/2007 | Qué nos depara Pakistán
Florentino Portero | ABC
La crisis política en Pakistán es un problema de enorme magnitud y como tal debemos tratarlo. A diferencia de lo ocurrido en la India, donde a pesar de las extremas dificultades la democracia ha ido enraizando hasta convertirse en la base que proporciona estabilidad al impresionante desarrollo económico y social que esta gran nación está viviendo, en Pakistán la democracia ha sufrido fracaso tras fracaso. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House