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  Archivos 19651 a 19660 de 19680

21/07/2006 | Operations Security - (Operaciones de Seguridad)
Joint Staff | Military Services
20/07/2006 | Police Intelligence Operations (Operaciones de inteligencia de la policía) - PDF
United States Army Staff | United States Army
20/07/2006 | Israeli Troops Battle Hizbollah in Southern Lebanon
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
The Israeli army has intensified its assault on Hizbollah’s outposts and infrastructure in southern Lebanon. ...
20/07/2006 | Security & Insecurity in North Africa - PDF
Jeremy H. Keenan | Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies
20/07/2006 | ISRAELI-HEZBOLLAH CONFLICT - Special Report: Situation Review
George Friedman | Stratfor
We have been following developments in the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict closely for several days. At this writing, the air-rocket war continues to rage, but the Israeli ground offensive that we would have expected by now has not yet been launched. There is some speculation that it will not be launched -- that a combination of air operations and a diplomatic process will be sufficient, from Israel's point of view, to negate the need for a ground attack. ...
20/07/2006 | ANGOLA-Angolan Ceasefire Agreement Signed But Questions Remain
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
Several claims had been made in the past couple of years over the potential acceptance of a ceasefire agreement between the separatist Cabindan movements and the Angolan authorities in Luanda, to no avail. After 31 years of resistance and aspirations for independence the fighting may be over. ...
20/07/2006 | El momento de la verdad
David Horowitz | El Reloj
Los americanos necesitamos mirar sin engañarnos lo que está sucediendo en Oriente Medio, porque proporciona la imagen más clara posible de la guerra en la que nos encontramos. Por una parte están al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbolá, Siria e Irán y sus aliados: Rusia, Francia, Grecia y la mayoría de la ONU. ...
19/07/2006 | ¿Coinciden el gobierno y los ciudadanos en qué medidas adoptar contra el terrorismo internacional?
Fernando Reinares | Real Instituto Elcano
Tema: Se analizan las medidas contra el terrorismo internacional, la adaptación de las estructuras nacionales de seguridad interior y las percepciones de la opinión pública española. ...
19/07/2006 | El impacto del terrorismo sobre la opinión pública y la política
Peter Waldmann | Real Instituto Elcano
A partir de una distinción entre seguridad efectiva y sensación colectiva de seguridad, el ARI reflexiona sobre si las crisis ocasionadas por ataques terroristas como los ocurridos en Nueva York y Madrid favorecen generalmente a líderes políticos que optan por una línea dura contra el terrorismo y que son percibidos como gobernantes fuertes que prometen combatir dicho fenómeno en todos sus frentes. ...
19/07/2006 | IRAN - Using the Israeli-Hezbollah Conflict Advantageously
Stratfor Staff | Stratfor
The United States on July 18 called on Iran and Syria to get Hezbollah to halt its rocket attacks against Israel. This is what Iran was hoping would happen when it got its Lebanese Shiite Islamist proxy to abduct the Israeli soldiers: that it would be able to enhance its sphere of influence in the region. The Arab states that are horrified by what they see as an Iranian invasion of their geopolitical turf will now try to work with Washington to minimize the extent to which Tehran can gain influence. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House