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  Archivos 20241 a 20250 de 20260

08/01/2006 | La arqueóloga raptada era una espía eventual de Alemania
ABC Staff | ABC
La rehén alemana liberada en Irak emerge como uno de esos personaje ambiguos que bordean la vocación, el riesgo, las equivocaciones y el capricho del destino en las tinieblas del frente de guerra. ...
08/01/2006 | Estados Unidos conversa en secreto con la insurgencia nacionalista iraquí
ABC Staff | ABC
El problema que se le plantea a la Administración norteamericana es que los grupos con los que intenta negociar exigen un claro calendario de retirada de tropas. ...
08/01/2006 | Shhh!!: Keeping Current on Government Secrecy
Laura Gordon-Murnane | Infotoday
Since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001, the Bush administration has issued important and far-ranging policy directives that include executive orders, memoranda, and new legislation, all designed to ensure the safety of the nation and protect the American public against future terrorist attacks.[1] ...
08/01/2006 | MS-13 gang growing extremely dangerous, FBI says
Kevin Johnson, | USA Today
In early November, the FBI and Houston police learned that six suspected members of Mara Salvatrucha, a violent Central American gang known as MS-13, were raiding a house on Liberty Street where a rival gang had stashed drugs. ...
08/01/2006 | Beyond the Connecting Dots: A Vital Framework for Shearing Law Enforcement Intelligence Information- PDF
Prepared for Congressman B. G. Thompson, | U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security Democratic Staff
08/01/2006 | Presidential Authority to Conduct Warrantless Electronic Surveillance to Gather Foreign Intelligence Information- PDF
Elizabeth B. Bazan and Jennifer K. Elsea | CRS
07/01/2006 | Americans are leaning toward wanting a change in Congress
A.P. | Breitbart
Dissatisfied with the nation's direction, Americans are leaning toward wanting a change in which political party leads Congress- preferring that Democrats take control, an AP-Ipsos poll found. Democrats are favored over Republicans 49 percent to 36 percent. ...
07/01/2006 | Cerco policial a la amenaza islamista
J. C. Serrano y R. Coarasa | La Razón
- Tras los atentados de Madrid, en 2005 fueron detenidos 90 terroristas, de los que la mitad sigue en prisión - De los 86 extremistas que había en la cárcel en 2004, se pasó a 131 el pasado año ...
07/01/2006 | Un suicida mata a cinco personas en China al detonar los explosivos que llevaba encima
El País Staff | El Pais (Es)
Cinco personas han muerto y 22 han resultado heridas en China al hacer explotar un campesino de 62 años los explosivos que llevaba encima. ...
06/01/2006 | National Defense Secrets…A Not-so-Funny International Joke!
JB Williams | Conservative Voice
How odd and alarming it is in the post 9/11 world, to note that secret intelligence and security operations are no longer an acceptable practice in America. Known for the most complex and effective national defense systems in the world, America seems to be having its biggest problems keeping its covert defense operations, well, covert… ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House