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  Archivos 51 a 60 de 981

17/08/2020 | Opinión - Acabar con el poder de YouTube, de las BigTech
Alejandro A. Tagliavini | Hoy Bolivia
Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple y Facebook -que en conjunto valen más de US$5 billones- tienen hoy un exagerado poder de propaganda, y han sacado de sus redes noticias que consideran “inapropiadas”. Se ha formado un cártel que debe desarmarse porque es inaceptable que el mundo dependa -y entre en pánico- según la propaganda que difunda. ...
15/08/2020 | Science & Technology: Artificial Intelligence: Are we ready to cease control?
Sharjeel Khan | Modern Diplomacy
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a prevalent theme of science fiction for decades now. The idea that machines can exhibit same level of intelligence as humans has kept writers and audience in the firm grip in all sorts of art, from top selling novels to blockbuster movies. But artists and futurists have a certain habit of romanticizing the subject. Like frequent inclusion of robots similar to humans. And I get it, that is an easier method than expecting your audience to show empathy with long lines of code. But this artistic image of AI is wrong. Portraying AI as humanoid robot is analogous to creating chassis of car; even before invention of combustion engine. ...
07/08/2020 | The Panopticon Is Already Here
Ross Andersen | The Atlantic
Xi Jinping is using artificial intelligence to enhance his government’s totalitarian control—and he’s exporting this technology to regimes around the globe. ...
29/07/2020 | US - 4 Big Tech CEOs getting heat from Congress on competition
Marcy Gordon | AP
WASHINGTON — Fending off accusations of stifling competition, four Big Tech CEOs — Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Sundar Pichai of Google and Tim Cook of Apple — are answering for their companies’ practices before Congress as a House panel caps its yearlong investigation of market dominance in the industry. ...
23/07/2020 | Tests anti-satellite weapon in space: Russia has secretly tested an anti-satellite weapon in space, warns US Space Command
Debbie White and Patrick Knox | The Sun
Its experts said the Kremlin's military push to use weapons in space puts "US and Allied space assets at serious risk". ...
19/07/2020 | Venezuela - Desinformación digital, una estrategia política en Venezuela
Deutsche Welle | Deutsche Welle
En Venezuela, el uso de bots, trolls, y otras herramientas digitales ha sido implacable para manipular a la opinión pública en internet. ...
18/07/2020 | Spain - Catalan pro-independence leader’s phone hacked using Israeli spy software
Joseph Fitsanakis |
The personal smartphones of leading Catalan pro-independence politicians were hacked using a highly invasive software built by a controversial Israeli firm, according to an investigative report by two newspapers. ...
24/06/2020 | Need for speed: Japan supercomputer is world's fastest
AFP | Yahoo News
Japan's Fugaku supercomputer, built with government backing and used in the fight against coronavirus, is now ranked as the world's fastest, its developers announced Monday. ...
18/06/2020 | Cyber spies use LinkedIn to hack European defence firms
Jack Stubbs |
LONDON, U.K. - Hackers posed as recruiters working for U.S. defence giants Collins Aerospace and General Dynamics on LinkedIn to break into the networks of military contractors in Europe, cybersecurity researchers said on Wednesday. ...
08/03/2020 | Ciberdelincuencia - Siete formas de que te desplumen la cuenta corriente sin que salgas de casa
Pablo D. Almoguera | El Mundo
Málaga, España: Hace unos días, la Policía Nacional confirmaba que investigaba la denuncia de una vecina de Granada que aseguraba que unos piratas informáticos le habían robado 47.000 euros tras hacerse con los datos de su tarjeta. Un caso que pone de relieve una nueva delincuencia que se expande a través de los dispositivos informáticos y que muta con distintas puestas en escenas. Estas son las siete modalidades más empleadas y con las que pueden desplumarte la cuenta corriente sin que te percates, y algunos consejos para que no piques. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
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