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  Archivos 1 a 10 de 1060

28/05/2024 | Opinión - Arabia quiere construir la ciudad del futuro y convertir la IA en su nuevo oro negro
Rodrigo Alonso | ABC
El país saudí sigue delineando su futuro pospetrolero. Está construyendo una enorme urbe de ciencia ficción en medio del desierto y se prepara para invertir cerca de 150.000 millones de euros para crear su propio Silicon Valley y alcanzar el rango de potencia global en el desarrollo de algoritmos y 'apps'. ...
05/05/2024 | Digital geopolitics and the rise of cyberwarfare
Charles Millon | Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Europe must undertake major reforms to protect itself amid the digitalization of economies, communications and security. Critical civilian infrastructure is dangerously exposed to cyberattacks. Actors like Russia, China and North Korea pose increasing threats. The European Union must undergo reforms to defend itself. ...
07/04/2024 | Opinion - Satellite Cybersecurity, Iran, and the Israel-Hamas War
Sarah Katz |
In light of Iran’s recent launch of three satellites into space, geopolitical concerns could increase surrounding the country’s intermittent threats toward the West and Israel amidst the post-October 7 Israel-Hamas war. Indeed, despite Tehran thus far avoiding direct involvement in the war, Iran has loomed via proxies such as Hamas and Yemen’s Houthi rebels to intimidate both Israel as well as the U.S. for its support of Israel. With Iranian nuclear and satellite capabilities on the rise, Israel and Western entities should remain watchful for potential indirect attempts to disrupt Israeli and Western equivalents, particularly for communication and surveillance hindrance purposes in the face of Israeli attacks on Iranian military personnel. ...
09/02/2024 | Noticias falsas - Google, Meta y OpenAI anuncian medidas para identificar los contenidos creados con inteligencia artificial
Jordi Perez Colome | El Pais (Es)
Las grandes compañías tecnológicas prueban etiquetas para detectar material falso y combatir la desinformación frente al riesgo de los ¨deepfakes¨. ...
31/01/2024 | How Big Tech Makes The U.S. A Spying Superpower
Byron Tau |
The intelligence community says FISA Section 702 is key to surveilling terrorists. In reality, with the help of the tech industry, the American government is spying on a lot more than its enemies. ...
22/12/2023 | Opinión - Desafíos y soluciones en la era digital: Brasil y la Unión Europea en la lucha contra la desinformación
Sergio Davila | Excelsior
La concentración de poder por parte de las grandes plataformas de Internet, los efectos perjudiciales de la desinformación en la democracia y la sostenibilidad de los medios de comunicación representan desafíos cruciales tanto para Brasil como para la Unión Europea. ...
06/10/2023 | The Predator Files - European Spyware Consortium Supplied Despots and Dictators
S. Becker, R. Buschmann, M. Hoppenstedt, N. Naber and M. Rosenbach | Spiegel
The Intellexa Alliance is the name of the shady group of European companies that supplies dictators and despots with cyberweapons. The mass spyware attacks have also been lucrative for some in Germany. ...
29/09/2023 | Science & Technology - Artificial Intelligence and Advances in Physics in the Field of Gravitational Waves (I)
Giancarlo Elia Valori | Modern Diplomacy
As an important branch of natural sciences, physics studies fundamental laws and phenomena such as matter, energy, mechanics and motion, thus providing an important theoretical basis for human beings to understand and explore the natural world. To be precise, physics models nature mathematically. ...
26/07/2023 | US - Technology: Government Wants To Control Your Digital Identity
Luke Hogg | Reason
As states continue to implement digital ID systems, it is essential that they build tools in ways that inherently protect civil liberties rather than asking citizens to just trust government officials. ...
31/05/2023 | Nuevo intento - ¿Qué se sabe del satélite espía estrellado de Corea del Norte que ha encendido las alarmas?
Maria del Pilar Diaz | El Confidencial
El ejército de Corea del Sur recuperó un gran objeto cilíndrico flotando en el mar a unos 200 km de la isla de la costa oeste de Eocheongdo. Se cree que forma parte del satélite. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
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