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  Archivos 19501 a 19510 de 19511

04/09/2006 | Questions Linger as Kazakh Court Convicts All 10 Defendants for Opposition Leader's Murder
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
A court in south-east Kazakhstan has delivered guilty verdicts in the murder trial of opposition leader Altynbek Sarsenbayev, handing down the death sentence to the main defendant although there remain a number of unanswered questions fuelling the belief that the trial was an elaborate cover-up. ...
03/09/2006 | MARRUECOS - Mohamed VI aborta un golpe militar
Pedro Canales | La Razón
Destituye al jefe de la Seguridad Militar - La cúpula del Ejército, la Gendarmería, la Policía y los jefes del Servicio Secreto se reunieron en una cumbre en Casablanca - El rey ordenó una purga de islamistas y el fin de la «mili» ...
03/09/2006 | A instancias del terrorismo
Daniel Pipes | La Razón
Dos días después del 10 de agosto -cuando las autoridades británicas desbarataron un complot en ciernes para volar por los aires múltiples aviones comerciales sobre el Atlántico- el estamento musulmán «moderado» de Gran Bretaña publicó una agresiva carta abierta al primer ministro Tony Blair. ...
03/09/2006 | ESPAÑA - Lucha contra la financiación del terrorismo. Cien cuentas embargadas, 83 euros bloqueados
José María Irujo | El Pais (Es)
Al menos 12 listas circulan por los bancos con nombres de supuestos terroristas, pero todas las cuentas intervenidas en España desde el 11-S lo han sido por error. Sólo se han bloqueado 83 euros. ...
03/09/2006 | A Case of Mistaken Identity
Debra Saunders | San Francisco Chronicle
With the disclosure that former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was the initial source for Robert Novak's July 2003 column that outed CIA operative Valerie Wilson -- also known as Valerie Plame, wife of former ambassador and Iraq-war critic Joseph Wilson -- it is now clear that all the hype about a Bush-inspired vendetta against the Wilsons is bunk. ...
03/09/2006 | Mr. Bush’s Nuclear Legacy
NY Times Editorial | NY Times
Unless something changes soon, by the end of President Bush’s second term North Korea will have produced enough plutonium for 10 or more nuclear weapons while Iran’s scientists will be close to mastering the skills needed to build their own. ...
03/09/2006 | Success! Ground-based missile defense performs as advertised, clears way for defending America
CSP | Center for Security Policy
Today's (Friday September, 1st)successful intercept of a simulated incoming ballistic missile by an operationally configured ground-based missile defense interceptor is a major milestone in the effort to realize President Ronald Reagan's vision of an America protected against such offensive weapons. It comes at a moment when there are growing missile threats from Iran, North Korea, China and Russia and when critics in Congress and elsewhere doubt the readiness of our defenses. ...
02/09/2006 | Canada to arm border guards along U.S. border
A.P. | CNN
Canada will arm its border guards starting in 2007, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Thursday. ...
02/09/2006 | Questions Linger as Kazakh Court Convicts All 10 Defendants for Opposition Leader's Murder
Global Insight Staff | Global Insight
A court in south-east Kazakhstan has delivered guilty verdicts in the murder trial of opposition leader Altynbek Sarsenbayev, handing down the death sentence to the main defendant although there remain a number of unanswered questions fuelling the belief that the trial was an elaborate cover-up. ...
01/09/2006 | Rusia reitera que no votará a favor de la imposición de sanciones a Irán
El País Staff | El Pais (Es)
Estados Unidos concede una semana a la UE antes de intentar que la ONU tome medidas contra Irán.-La Unión Europea y el régimen de Teherán mantendrán una ronda negociadora la próxima semana. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House