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14/09/2023 | Opinion - Arms Megadeal Collapsed When China, Russia Links Emerged
Stephen Kalin | Wall Street Journal
Failed talks between RTX and a Saudi defense firm show the kingdom’s difficulties in establishing its own military industry. ...
14/09/2023 | India - Opinion: India-Middle East-Europe economic corridor: Geopolitics, economic promises and strategic rebalances
Dr. Amit Kumar | Times of India
On the sidelines of the G20 Summit in New Delhi, in the pursuit of deeper multi- modal connectivity, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed among the governments of India, the US, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, the UAE, France, Germany, and Italy to establish the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). The IMEC, a resurgence of the ancient maritime and overland commercial linkages between the countries of the Arabian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea region, has the potential to stimulate economic growth and trade cooperation among the countries of the Indian Ocean region, the Indian sub-continent, the Middle East, and Europe. Additionally, there will be a rearrangement of regional strategic outcomes in favour of the United States, Europe, India, and the participating Middle Eastern nations. ...
13/09/2023 | Analysis - Beyond Washington’s ¨Patio Trasero¨: China, Latin America, and BRICS Expansion
Dr. Hasim Turker |
The emergent interconnections between China and key Latin American states, such as Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela, signify a substantial realignment in international geopolitics. Far from being simple economic partnerships or cursory diplomatic liaisons, these affiliations are profoundly strategic, shaped by a myriad of influences. These include not only economic imperatives and trading advantages, but also political congruities, cultural diplomacy efforts, and overarching geopolitical designs.

11/09/2023 | Opinión - Ya falta menos para llegar a la última reserva de minerales del planeta: el fondo marino
G. M. Piantadosi, E. Torrico, L. Erhardt y Lucas Proto | El Confidencial
La mayoría de las reservas minerales submarinas se encuentran en aguas internacionales. Ahora una compañía quiere llegar a las riquezas del último ecosistema incontaminado. ...
10/09/2023 | Catástrofes - ¿Cómo construir ciudades a prueba de terremotos?
Martin Kuebler | Deutsche Welle
El sismo que azotó a Marruecos revive el debate sobre la necesidad de erigir urbes resistentes a estos movimientos telúricos. Los ejemplos de Chile y Nepal saltan a la vista. ...
08/09/2023 | Opinion - America’s Wind-Farm Revolution Is Broken
Carol Ryan | Wall Street Journal
Even with generous green subsidies, offshore wind projects are being called off as developers struggle to make a profit.Offshore wind farms should be one of the best solutions to the climate crisis but are turning out to be a lousy business. Getting the struggling industry back on its feet will require a new approach from companies and politicians alike. ...
18/08/2023 | Opinion - The Economic Losers in the New World Order
Ed Ballard , Jason Douglas and Jon Emont | Wall Street Journal
Giant subsidies and rising protectionism are upending decades of free trade. Smaller countries, from the U.K. to Singapore, are getting left behind. ...
09/08/2023 | Opinion - Geopolitical Climate Denialism
Walter Russell Mead | Wall Street Journal
Officials start to see the world is more dangerous than they thought in 2021. ...
07/08/2023 | Opinión - Chinos y rusos toman ventaja en la pugna por el ¨oro blanco¨ boliviano
Daniel Lozano | El Mundo
El tablero geopolítico global mueve sus fichas en el turístico Salar de Uyuni. El presidente Luis Arce no tiene ningún plan para esta importante reserva de litio. ...
24/07/2023 | Empeora México en índice de Riesgo País en AL
Alejandra Mendoza y Sergio Lozano | Reforma
México empeoró en su indicador de Riesgo País . Del quinto lugar que tenía en 2015 entre 17 economías de América Latina, pasó al décimo primer lugar en 2023. Aumenta 30% el riesgo país. ...
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