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  Archivos 20111 a 20120 de 20132

28/02/2006 | Ports Deal on Hold; Issue Still Hot
Tim Starks | CQ
A business deal granting operational control of terminals at six U.S. ports to a United Arab Emirates company last week sparked a contentious debate, exacerbated by post-Sept. 11 concerns, over what role national security should play in commercial decisions. ...
28/02/2006 | Blindan frontera México, Belice y Guatemala
Notimex | El Universal
Los tres países firman acuerdo para combatir al crimen organizado, la trata de blancas, la Mara Salvatrucha y eventuales amenazas terroristas. ...
28/02/2006 | Rumsfeld's complaint
Arnaud de Borchgrave | Washington Times
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld cannot believe how a biased media has made the job of fighting the bad guys harder than ever. The media broke the stories about torture at the Abu Ghraib prison; the U.S. military paying for favorable articles in the Iraqi media; competing with America's extremist detractors in poisoning Muslim minds about the United States; criticizing the liberation of an Iraq enslaved by Saddam Hussein. ...
28/02/2006 | Taking Spying to Higher Level, Agencies Look for More Ways to Mine Data
John Markoff | NY Times
A small group of National Security Agency officials slipped into Silicon Valley on one of the agency's periodic technology shopping expeditions this month. ...
27/02/2006 | The Next Iraqi War? Sectarianism and Civil Conflict
International Crisis Group Staff | International Crisis Group
The bombing of the al-Askariya shrine in Samara and the subsequent reprisals are but the latest, most serious signs efforts to hold Iraq together verge on collapse. There is still a little time to stop the slide into civil war if Iraqi leaders and the international community act urgently but the winners of the December 2005 elections must not only strongly condemn sectarian-inspired attacks and urge restraint. They must also establish a government of genuine national unity with popular credibility and Sunni Arab leaders in more than token positions; address Iraqis’ top concerns – safety and basic amenities; begin to disband the sectarian militias; and revise the constitution’s provisions on federalism and oil. The U.S., the EU and regional players must push for these crucial steps, or risk Iraq’s disintegration and the Middle East’s destablisation. ...
27/02/2006 | Pax Americana. Is There Any Alternative to U.S. Primacy?
Gary Schmitt | Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos
The core argument itself is not new: The United States and the West face a new threat and, whether we like it or not, no power other than the United States has the capacity, or can provide the decisive leadership, required to handle this and other critical global security issues. ...
26/02/2006 | Civil war in Iraq threatens Mideast
Steven R. Weisman | NY Times
Two days of mob violence last week after the bombing of a revered Shiite shrine did not simply aggravate Iraqi sectarian hatreds. Like a near-death experience, the carnage seems to have shocked Sunni and Shiite leaders into a new realization of what civil war would cost, and into new efforts to avoid it. ...
26/02/2006 | Iraq: Shrine Attack Sparks Unprecedented Sectarian Strife in Iraq
An attack yesterday on a revered religious mausoleum threatens to lead to large-scale sectarian conflict, with Shi'a protesters torching Sunni sanctuaries and dozens of killings across the country in revenge. ...
26/02/2006 | Philippines: President Declares State of Emergency in Philippines, over Military Coup Threat
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has declared a state of emergency in the Philippines, following revelations of fresh military coup attempts to remove her from office. ...
25/02/2006 | ''Tres acciones despenalizarán la hoja de coca''
La Razón (Bo) Staff | La Razón (Bo)
La visita al país del secretario general de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), Allan Wagner Tizón, tuvo un especial significado para los intereses de Bolivia. Primero, por la defensa que hizo el diplomático peruano de la soya boliviana en los mercados internacionales, y, segundo, por su respaldo a la estrategia de “cocaína cero” y “no coca cero” que impulsa el presidente Evo Morales en la lucha antidroga. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House