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  Archivos 20381 a 20389 de 20389

11/10/2005 | México: Narcotráfico lo convierte en el país más peligroso para periodistas
México se ha convertido en el último año en el país de América más peligroso para el ejercicio de la profesión periodística, con el asesinato de ocho periodistas -y la desaparición de un noveno- en su mayoría a manos del narcotráfico. ...
11/10/2005 | México: Cardenal desestima crítica de diputados
Cinthya Sánchez | El Universal
"Tienen razón, pero no la usan", sostiene Rivera ...
11/10/2005 | Military Spies in the U.S.: An Idea Whose Time Comes Again
Jeff Stein | CQ
Stripped to its basics, here's an example of how spying works: A CIA officer is handed the mission of finding out what's going on in Iran's nuclear program. Passing himself off as a Canadian businessman, he goes to a European conference of metallurgists, hangs out at the bar, and strikes up a conversation with the chief salesman of a German company that is suspected of selling uranium-enrichment centrifuges to Iran. ...
09/10/2005 | FBI Targets MS-13 Street Gang
Zach Werner | NewsHour Extra
The FBI has formed a national task force aimed at dismantling street gangs and has focused attention on the MS-13 gang, which federal investigators say rivals the infamous Crips and Bloods. ...
09/10/2005 | BSA forms basketball league to prevent gang activity
De Nuestra Redacción |
Following soccer league precedent, sports academy hopes to attract new demographic of students. ...
09/10/2005 | In Guatemala, a rise in vigilante justice
Jill Replogle | CSMonitor
Citizens and police target violent gangs in what some charge is a 'social cleansing' policy. ...
08/10/2005 | Center for Hemisphere Defense Studies Hosts Weeklong Security Seminar for Regional Diplomats
Martin Edwin Andersen |
The Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) today announced the conclusion of a highly-successful week-long seminar for Washington-based Latin American, Caribbean and Canadian civilian foreign service personnel and military attachés with present or future political-military responsibilities. ...
07/10/2005 | Nations Struggle to Infiltrate al-Qaida
A.P. | Las Vegas Sun
Turkish intelligence agents are infiltrating mosques, monitoring underground Web sites and investigating Islamic front charities but are having little success penetrating al-Qaida's tight-knit cells, agents and anti-terror police say. It is a common frustration around the world, with police in Italy, Britain and dozens of other countries finding it difficult to penetrate al-Qaida, a loosely knit terrorist organization where family ties and close personal relationships are often key. ...
05/10/2005 | Terrorism Trends- Threats to the United States and the Future of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act - PDF
Peter Chalk and others | RAND
03/10/2005 | Las revoluciones de terciopelo y la lógica del terrorismo
Frederick Turner | Diario Exterior
"Parte de nuestras dificultades al tratar con el terror global dirigido contra poblaciones civiles es que no hemos comprendido, creo, aquello para lo que está diseñado atacar. Algunos lo ven como una guerra entre bloques culturales, otros como una guerra religiosa contra infieles, otros como una reacción tradicionalista a las disrupciones sociales, económicas y culturales causadas por el globalismo". ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House