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  Archivos 41 a 50 de 17913

19/04/2024 | Operación Balikatan: las maniobras militares frente a Taiwán que pondrán a prueba la paciencia china
Lucia Gutierrez | La Razon (Es)
11.000 soldados de Estados Unidos y 5.000 filipinos, apoyados por Francia, Australia y Japón, participarán en unas maniobras en el inestable Mar de China Meridional. ...
16/04/2024 | Iran shuts nuclear facilities and cancels inspections amid fears of Israeli attack
James Crisp | Telegraph
Iran closed down its nuclear facilities amid fears of an Israeli attack, the United Nations has revealed. ...
12/04/2024 | Opinion - Israel Bracing for Unprecedented Direct Iran Attack in Days
Donato Paolo Mancini, Jennifer Jacobs and Alex Wickham | Bloomberg
Israel is bracing for a direct and unprecedented attack by Iran on government targets as soon as Saturday, according to people familiar with western intelligence assessments, a move that has the potential to trigger an all-out regional war. ...
12/04/2024 | Irán mide al milímetro su respuesta a Israel: ¨Justa venganza¨ pero no escalada militar
Europa Press | La Razon (Es)
El ministro de Exteriores iraní transmite a sus homólogos británico, australiano y alemán que no pretende escalar las tensiones y que la "legítima defensa" permite "castigar" a Israel. ...
11/04/2024 | Espionaje - Un informe de la Inteligencia europea destapa el plan ruso para quebrar el apoyo a Ucrania dentro de España
David Alandete | ABC
Un reciente informe deja al descubierto una campaña de injerencia llamada 'Portal Kombat'. El medio ruso en español Pravda, un sucedáneo digital de la histórica cabecera soviética, enviaba este martes 9 de abril un mensaje en su canal de Telegram en el que adjuntaba una captura de pantalla de una noticia de ABC con este titular: «Milei se ofrece a ayudar a Ucrania: 'Todo lo que podamos ayudar lo vamos a hacer'». Acto seguido, Pravda preguntaba, con ironía: «¿La ayuda será en dólares o pesos? ¿Enviara Milei a sus votantes?». ...
10/04/2024 | Austria: Arrest raises broader questions about counterintelligence capabilities
Paul Schliefsteiner |
ON GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 29, Egisto Ott, a former member of Austria’s now-dissolved domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism (BVT), was arrested in his house in Carinthia, Austria’s southernmost state. ...
07/04/2024 | Opinion - The persistent threat of global terrorism
Dr. Peter Brookes | Geopolitical Intelligence Services
The world is likely to remain vulnerable to terror attacks, given emboldened state sponsors like Iran, fragile states like Afghanistan and opportune targets around elections in Europe and Asia. Weak national governments and porous borders allow terror groups to find safe places to plan, operate and move easily between countries.2023 was an especially deadly year for terror attacks. ISIS has evolved into a network of capable regional affiliates. Iran will likely continue to support terror proxies, despite the risks. ...
04/04/2024 | Chinese weapons found in Gaza, report claims
Bill Gertz | Washington Times
The war between Israel and Hamas has revealed extensive Chinese support for Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups that the U.S. and Israel consider terrorist organizations, according to strategic analyst Guermantes Lailari. ...
02/04/2024 | México: Narcotráfico - Chiapas y Sinaloa: Chapitos vs. Mayo
Jorge Fernandez Menendez | Excelsior
El video tiene amplia difusión en Chiapas: un líder de un grupo de criminales lee una proclama diciendo que lo que se vive en el estado no es una disputa entre el Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación y Los Chapitos, sino de estos con ellos, que se identifican como el Cártel de Chiapas-Guatemala. Acusan, una vez más, al gobernador Rutilio Escandón, a la Secretaría General de Gobierno, a los principales funcionarios de seguridad, de trabajar para los hijos de El Chapo Guzmán a cambio de fuertes sumas de dinero. ...
01/04/2024 | Interview reveals state of mind of Israeli intelligence prior to October 7 attack
Dr. Avner Barnea |
ON MARCH 23, CHANNEL 12 of Israeli television aired a remarkable interview with Sassi Elya, the former director of technology at the Israel Security Agency (ISA). Better known by the acronyms Shin Bet or Shabak, the ISA is Israel’s domestic security service. The interview had initially been scheduled for broadcast as part of the evening news on October 7, 2023. However, its airing was canceled due to the attack on Israel by Hamas, which occurred that morning. ...
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House