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  Archivos 41 a 50 de 8456

20/06/2023 | Europa - Bruselas propone su primer plan de seguridad económica y pone a China en la mira
Nacho Alarcon | El Confidencial
La primera estrategia de seguridad económica diseñada por la Comisión Europea se centra en los materiales de uso dual y en la coordinación para establecer controles a las exportaciones. ...
18/06/2023 | Bauxite: Jamaica’s Lucrative ¨Red Dirt¨
Wilder Alejandro Sanchez |
Jamaica is a global producer of bauxite, a critical material used to produce aluminum. The Caribbean island, most well-known globally for its vibrant tourism industry, has exploited this “red dirt” for decades. While the industry remains profitable, there has been significant push-back recently, including a recent landmark Supreme Court ruling against a new mining project. ...
21/05/2023 | Opinión - ¿Pierde el dólar su cetro en el Medio Oriente?
Deutsche Welle | Deutsche Welle
Irak deja de utilizar el dólar en transacciones y Arabia Saudita, al igual que los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, planea realizar negocios prescindiendo de la moneda estadounidense. ¿Por qué?. ...
14/05/2023 | Opinion - Chile Announces Plan to Nationalize Lithium Industry
Arman Sidhu |
In a surprising though not unprecedented move, Chile announced plans to nationalize its lithium industry, following similar efforts in resource nationalism among major producers of “battery metals.” Although implementation of the reforms is expected to be gradual and keep existing contracts intact, the decision stands to influence the political will and feasibility for other lithium producers to follow suit. In seeking to indigenize and retain a greater portion of the value chain in their mining sector, the policies instituted by Chile and other lithium producers have significant implications for the global energy market as demand for electric vehicles and renewable infrastructure soars. ...
08/05/2023 | Opinion - Chile and Argentina Are Playing Against Type on Lithium Mining
James Bosworth | World Politics Review
Perhaps the biggest issue is that Chile and Argentina are seen in competition with each other when it comes to managing their lithium reserves. ...
03/05/2023 | New York becomes first US state to ban gas in new buildings
New York has become the first US state to pass a law banning gas stoves and other fossil fuels in most new buildings, in a victory for environmental activists. The legislation adopted by lawmakers in the Democratic-run state legislature late Tuesday will require newly built homes to be all-electric in three years' time. ...
11/04/2023 | Opinión - Un torrente de petróleo inesperado amenaza los recortes de Arabia Saudí y Rusia
El Economista Staff | El Economista (Es)
Un conjunto de pequeños y medianos países disparan su producción de petróleo. Los recortes de crudo de Arabia Saudí quedan en un segundo plano. La amenaza latente del fracking y del petróleo iraní sigue aún muy viva. ...
06/04/2023 | US - National Security: Decentralized Cryptocurrency Markets Threaten U.S. Security, Treasury Says
Ian Talley | Wall Street Journal
In new report, the department lays foundation for regulation, enforcement of ‘DeFi’ markets. ...
04/04/2023 | Opinión - EE.UU: La lección de Biden con el petróleo
Matthew Lynn | El Economista (Es)
En Estados Unidos, el debate sobre la energía sigue estando conectado con la realidad. Será el mayor campo petrolífero nuevo en décadas. Podrá suministrar hasta el 2% de todo el petróleo que necesita EEUU. Y será lo suficientemente grande como para marcar una diferencia significativa en el precio mundial, asestando un nuevo golpe a la máquina de guerra de Vladimir Putin en Ucrania. ...
30/03/2023 | EU - Opinion: China Wants to Be at Center of New World Order, Top EU Official Says
Laurence Norman and Kim Mackrael | Wall Street Journal
Trade bloc needs to defend its security and economic interests, she says ahead of trip to China .China’s Global Peacemaker Ambitions Put It in Competition With U.S. ...
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