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07/03/2009 | High Tech
Facebook Jihad
The jihad against Israel rages not just in Gaza, but worldwide, including on the Internet -- and even on Facebook, as a 14-year-old American Jew named Todd Snider recently discovered. In July 2008, Snider started a Facebook group called “I Wonder How Quickly I Can Find 1,000,000 People Who Support Israel.” This group quickly grew to become the largest pro-Israel group on Facebook, with over 180,000 members. But then, unexpectedly, this group gave this enterprising and dedicated young man a lesson in jihadist intimidation and thuggery -- including an unpleasant taste of how Western bureaucrats abet that thuggery, whether out of indifference or complicity.
07/03/2009 | High Tech
Facebook Jihad
The jihad against Israel rages not just in Gaza, but worldwide, including on the Internet -- and even on Facebook, as a 14-year-old American Jew named Todd Snider recently discovered. In July 2008, Snider started a Facebook group called “I Wonder How Quickly I Can Find 1,000,000 People Who Support Israel.” This group quickly grew to become the largest pro-Israel group on Facebook, with over 180,000 members. But then, unexpectedly, this group gave this enterprising and dedicated young man a lesson in jihadist intimidation and thuggery -- including an unpleasant taste of how Western bureaucrats abet that thuggery, whether out of indifference or complicity.
14/03/2008 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
¿De qué lado están los saudíes?
Funcionarios saudíes anunciaban este lunes que habían detenido a 56 integrantes de Al-Qaeda que se encontrarían en "una etapa avanzada" de planificación de ataques terroristas jihadistas dentro del Reino.
14/01/2008 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Ahmadinejad's Academic Pilgrims
When Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University, Columbia’s President Lee Bollinger offered to travel to Iran himself, in the interests of promoting freedom of speech there: “Let me,” he implored Ahmadinejad, “lead a delegation of students and faculty from Columbia to address your university about free speech, with the same freedom we afford you today. Will you do that?”
24/10/2007 | En Parrilla
¿Gran Bretaña: ''Islam es Paz''?
Es una nueva campaña publicitaria en Gran Bretaña: Islam es Paz. Autobuses y metros muestran el lema, "Islam es Paz" y un amplio abanico de imágenes, incluyendo la de una mujer-policía musulmana, un grupo de exploradores musulmanes y un chef musulmán, intentan mostrar que los musulmanes en Gran Bretaña son ciudadanos corrientes y que nadie debería verlos con recelo.
30/08/2007 | Sociedad
El coste humano de la poligamia
Myra Morton se entregaba el jueves. La policía dice que disparó a su marido Jereleigh hasta matarlo el domingo mientras estaba tumbado en la cama de su residencia cerca de Filadelfia.
12/03/2007 | En Parrilla
CAIR vs. Human Rights
The St. Petersburg Declaration, issued at the Secular Islam Summit in St. Petersburg, Florida, last week, is the most comprehensive and forthright statement of Islamic reform anyone has yet managed to come up with.
27/12/2006 | En Parrilla
Tony Blair salta del barco del multiculturalismo - más o menos
El Primer ministro británico Tony Blair declaraba el pasado viernes que "ninguna cultura o religión particular permanece por encima de nuestro deber de formar parte de un Reino Unido integrado". Enumeraba "el respeto a este país y su herencia compartida", junto con "la fe en la democracia, el mandato de la ley, la tolerancia y el tratamiento igualitario para todos", como las cosas que "tenemos en común" y que "nos dan el derecho a llamarnos británicos a nosotros mismos".
27/12/2006 | En Parrilla
Tony Blair salta del barco del multiculturalismo - más o menos
El Primer ministro británico Tony Blair declaraba el pasado viernes que "ninguna cultura o religión particular permanece por encima de nuestro deber de formar parte de un Reino Unido integrado". Enumeraba "el respeto a este país y su herencia compartida", junto con "la fe en la democracia, el mandato de la ley, la tolerancia y el tratamiento igualitario para todos", como las cosas que "tenemos en común" y que "nos dan el derecho a llamarnos británicos a nosotros mismos".
04/12/2006 | En Parrilla
Have You Been Ahmadinejadized?
“I have travelled to all the continents except for one,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said recently, “and I know what is going on out there. Everybody is eager to hear the Iranian people’s message. The world is rapidly becoming Ahmadinejadised.”
04/12/2006 | En Parrilla
Have You Been Ahmadinejadized?
“I have travelled to all the continents except for one,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said recently, “and I know what is going on out there. Everybody is eager to hear the Iranian people’s message. The world is rapidly becoming Ahmadinejadised.”
28/11/2006 | Sociedad
Pope Rage in Istanbul
Pope Benedict XVI is set to arrive in Turkey on Tuesday, and tensions are running high. Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981, wrote to Benedict: “Your life is in danger.
28/11/2006 | Sociedad
Pope Rage in Istanbul
Pope Benedict XVI is set to arrive in Turkey on Tuesday, and tensions are running high. Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981, wrote to Benedict: “Your life is in danger.
02/10/2006 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
The Philosopher and the Fatwa
It has happened again. On the heels of global Muslim rage against Pope Benedict XVI – which led to riots and three killings of Christians – a teacher in France has gone into hiding after receiving death threats.
21/08/2006 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Why We MUST Profile
To profile or not to profile? Some recent suspicious incidents involving mass purchase of cell phones by Middle Eastern men have given this debate a new urgency.
21/04/2006 | Sociedad
Matar por Alá
Antes de conducir un todoterreno alquilado por el campus de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte y de intentar arrollar y matar a cuanta gente pudiera el 3 de marzo, Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar dejó una carta explicatoria en su apartamento.
08/03/2006 | Frente Externo
La jihad portuaria de Bush
Se está convirtiendo en una importante batalla política: el líder de la mayoría del Senado Bill Frist, el portavoz de la Cámara Dennis Hastert y el líder de la mayoría en la Cámara John Boehner, los tres se han alineado contra el plan del el plan del Presidente Bush de transferir la explotación de seis importantes puertos americanos a una compañía radicada en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
07/02/2006 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
No tenemos ningún proceso de paz
La negación comenzó casi inmediatamente después de que Hamas se hiciese con el 57 % de los escaños del parlamento palestino. Associated Press informaba de que “Hamas capitalizó el extenso descontento de años de corrupción e ineficiencia de Fatah. Gran parte de su campaña se centró en temas internos palestinos, al tiempo que rebajaba el conflicto con Israel”.
05/01/2006 | En Parrilla
El jihadismo y el Corán
Hace unas semanas, en Nueva York, Oriana Fallaci indicaba que el Corán era el Mein Kampf del movimiento jihadista. Señaló que el libro santo del Islam exige la aniquilación o la subyugación del otro, y que quiere sustituir la democracia con el totalitarismo.
21/11/2005 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
¿Tiene el malestar francés algo que ver con la agenda de la Yihad?
¿Ha comenzado una intifada en Francia — una jihad total? ¿Afrontan los franceses lo que por ahora es, mientras los disturbios superan su segunda semana y engullen virtualmente al país entero, una insurrección total de jóvenes inmigrantes que simplemente acusan estar siendo marginados y empujados a la cuneta de la sociedad francesa? ¿O tiene el malestar algo que ver con la agenda de los jihadistas en todo el mundo?
11/11/2005 | Frente Externo
El fracaso de la inmigración multicultural en Francia
¿Por qué han tenido lugar los disturbios? A partir de muchos de los relatos, uno pensaría que los disturbios han sido causados por el fracaso de Francia a la hora de implementar el Marxismo.
08/11/2005 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Jihad in Europe?
Has an intifada begun in France — an all-out jihad? Are the French facing what is by now, as the riots are well into their second week and have engulfed virtually the entire country, a full-scale insurrection from immigrant youth who simply resent being marginalized and shunted to the fringes of French society?
05/11/2005 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Paris Burning
Riots have now continued for eight days in and around Paris. Thursday night, November 3, Muslim rioters burned 315 cars. In the previous week, they torched 177 vehicles and burned numerous businesses, a post office, and two schools.
22/04/2005 | Dossier Joseph Ratzinger
Pope Benedict XVI: Enemy of Jihad
In choosing Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger to succeed Pope John Paul II as Pope Benedict XVI, the Catholic Church has cast a vote for the survival of Europe and the West. “Europe will be Islamic by the end of the century,” historian Bernard Lewis predicted not long ago; however, judging from the writings of the new Pope, he is not likely to be sanguine about this transition. For one thing, the new Pope seems to be aware of the grave danger Europeans face: he has called upon Europe to recover its Christian roots “if it truly wants to survive.”
22/04/2005 | Dossier Joseph Ratzinger
Pope Benedict XVI: Enemy of Jihad
In choosing Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger to succeed Pope John Paul II as Pope Benedict XVI, the Catholic Church has cast a vote for the survival of Europe and the West. “Europe will be Islamic by the end of the century,” historian Bernard Lewis predicted not long ago; however, judging from the writings of the new Pope, he is not likely to be sanguine about this transition. For one thing, the new Pope seems to be aware of the grave danger Europeans face: he has called upon Europe to recover its Christian roots “if it truly wants to survive.”
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House